
calling your bluff.

Last week, I learned – yes, for all intents and purposes, we will use the word learned, even though the more appropriate phrase would be “struggled with very single rule, with occasional luck that involved little to no strategy" – how to play poker.  Interestingly enough, I can’t get enough of the game! I find myself pulling up an app on my phone when I’m bored, just to sit around a cyber table with cyber people that kind of weird me out and bet cyber hundreds/thousands/millions (ok, no to the million part because that would mean at one point I would have actually HAD millions…and that never happened) of dollars. 

This, however, does not mean that I’m a supporter of gambling.  The “poker face” tactic has never and will never be one that I can master.  It’s a huge guessing game that in some instances you think you have great cards, but then you can’t know for sure whether you will win, can you? You have no way of knowing the other players’ positions or confidence or actual investment in the game.  Everyone wants to make a move that least exposes them to vulnerability and if necessary, allows them to clear others from the game.  And I mean, you can’t blame them because after all you are trying to accomplish the same thing from your end of the table.  But it can be extremely frustrating to see that fighting for the upper hand is the absolute point of the game.  I’m sure you’re all thinking well duh…you play games to WIN.   Well this would be a good time to tell you that this entire poker analogy is in reference to dating (but the part about me learning to play and downloading the app is totally true…I really did do that?).

Here’s how it goes.  You are dealt cards, and within minutes or even seconds, you are given the opportunity to decide whether you want to “check” – see who else is going to stay in that hand, see if any of the bets are even within your range or worth your time – or “fold” – meaning, your cards won’t get you anywhere and you’ll just end up cardless and chipless if you stay in.  Those with high confidence might like a challenge, stay in for as long as they can hoping their cards will get them the jackpot in the end.  Those with low self esteem in their hand will be turned off and realize they don’t want to put themselves through the pain.  Here’s the thing; last week, I was thrown into a game with a major poker pro. Woops?  And at certain points, I was all-in, feeling confident. Then the next thing I knew, I lost the hand and was out of the game, feeling cardless and chipless.    

It can be frustrating to see that playing games in search of the upper hand is now conventional.  There are all these strategies and so called rules – don’t call him, he’ll call you; pretend to be busy every once in a while; don’t text back right away.  Why can’t we just call when we want, text back when we can, and say what we are thinking?  There is simply one answer: then the game becomes…no fun.  In fact, it’s not even a game anymore.  And playing the game is really looking out for your best interest, because until those final cards are turned over and all bets are in – sometimes, your entire stack of chips is in as well, so you’re really all-or-nothing here – you need to protect yourself against those trying to fool you. 

So here we all are, us singles, sitting around a huge poker table, some of us wearing sunglasses and hats which makes it really hard for me to tell what you’re thinking, in which case I’m going to avoid you because you’re weird and hard to read.   

Aside from – or better yet, in the midst of – the game of poker, I had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  It was a great kick-start to the Holidays.  I spent the day with my aunts and cousins, then went on to spend the weekend in Park City with some friends.  School is really testing me right now, but my countdown to Christmas is diminishing quite quickly, and I’m having a good time, even if my grades are not.  Hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well!!


life got in the way.

It was just one of those weekends where nothing important got done - including sleep - but everything else did.  And I'm not even mad, even though my tired body might be just a little bit (and no, daylight saving didn't help me at all. How the heck am I supposed to know that I got an extra hour of sleep when the change occurs at 2 am??).

It really was a doozy, though.  Friday night the girls of CT #29 went to Wreck it Ralph with some boyfriends in our ward.  It was pretty darling, and the commentary from the randoms behind us was killer.  And by commentary, I mean constant talking with not-so-inside-voices.  There were probably some very adult drinks involved as well.  We won't be inviting them next time.  

Saturday morning, we all woke up and found ourselves at Denny's 10 minutes later.  Saturday morning breakfasts are so fantastic.  I'm not a breakfast person - if I ever have time for breakfast during the week, I usually stick with yogurt or a banana - but Saturday morning breakfasts really just inspire me to do good.  Needless to say, it was a good start to a great/exhausting day.  As soon as we got back, Jennae and I once again found ourselves on a double date with the same boys from the haunted house (we really don't plan it, I swear), hiking up Stewart Falls. Those boys kill me.  After we bathed  took pictures by the falls, we made our way back down to Provo and pigged out at Mountain West Burrito (thanks, Jensen).  Eat there, and you will be happy forever. Once we called it a day with those boys, Jennae and I were anxiously awaiting hot showers and sweatpants.  But only after we attended the cutest performance of the Nutcracker at the Covey Center for the Arts.  The girls that Mimi nannies performed in it, and although my tired little eyes couldn't stay open much longer, I loved it.

Sunday.  You know how Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest? Yeah. Sometimes, it's not.  This Sunday looked a little like this:  wake up for church, go to ward choir, make brownies, go back to campus for meetings with the Bishop, make more brownies, go to break the fast, finger paint, go to ward prayer.  I was just making memories left and right this weekend, folks. And here are some pictures to prove it!


we made it alive! (too soon?)

ward prayer bonding (seriously love these ladies of mine)
works of art (and yes, I'm talking about Jensen's legs)



castle of chaos

Happy Halloween!!  Unfortunately, I'm not donning a costume on campus - or really anywhere - today.  It is really sad, I know it.  I truly do love this holiday though, and I plan on spending the night with a fat bag of all chocolate candy (why isn't there a super bag with only the best candies? They always seems to throw in packs of Whoppers or Three Musketeers in the midst of Reese's and Snickers. Like, come one.  Don't.) and watching a festive movie.

However, in the spirit of Hallow's Eve and the ghouls and goblins that are gracing our presence here in mortality, I embarked on an adventure last night. Yes, to a haunted house.  With two crazy kids and this girl.  It was fantastically frightening for the first few minutes, but by the end, I believe I was screaming more out of impatience and annoyance than actual fear.  Like, "Stop touching me, stop carressing my face, stop pulling my hair, please just turn the lights on so I stop getting stuck in these curtains while simultaneously trying to hold on to my partner and avoid the actors' sick hands."  Here's what really got me.  There was a very strict rule to not touch the actors.  But tell me this: if someone pinned you down on a table and put their hands around your neck - with the help of others, no less - and your partner had zero intentions of pulling you off the table and getting you the heck out of there, what would you do? Wait for 10 pm when the actors could go home? Yell helplessly? No. You would yank their arm off of you and make a run for it.

"Hey, you're not allowed to touch the actors.  NO TOUCHING THE ACTORS."

"Ok 1, eat a tic tac. Or 25. Also...sorry? Weren't the one trying to kill me? Think about that." 

It was very fun though.  Fun to hold hands with a boy (and by hold hands, I mean have a death grip on him and at some points have my entire body wrapped around his), fun to run around like a crazy person, fun to get in the spirit of things, fun to be sweating like a boxer by the end of the night, just fun.  Here's a picture of me and my date:

(just kidding this was just one of the actors. we had a special bond going, obvi)
So here's to getting stuffed in coffins, going out of your mind after 5 minutes in a room with a strobe light and chainsaw, BO and bad breath, and making new friends. Young and old. Dead and alive.

Stay safe tonight!



one of those nights.

Usually, when I don't have a spider-infested car, I leave the apartment when I'm faced with the dilemma of being alone in the apartment.  Tonight, however - yes, mostly due to the spiders inside my car (did I mention that there are SPIDERS in my CAR??) - I was left allllll alone.  I had just worked out, so my hair was in some sort of cross between a bun and nothing you've ever seen before, my face had more rosacia than makeup, and my clothes were nothing to boot (an oversized t-shirt I won at a football game and leggings I've worn too many times between washes).  So duh I was going to be in all night.

So here's what happened.  Instead of doing this all night:  


I did some of this:

President Monson's biography, "To The Rescue" - please, everyone, read it!
...and definitely this:

But the best part of the night was this.  Reading these 25 things was so awesome because it verified the fact that everyone does/thinks those things.  It was also awesome because it means that others want to fix those insecurities!  How awesome would it be if we stopped caring, started living, and continued on to complete and utter happiness?  So there's your challenge for, well, life.  Love you all.


p.s. Here is the recipe for the face mask (which I LOVE).

1 1/2 TBSP Honey
1 - 1 1/2 TSP Nutmeg
1 - 1 1/2 TSP Cinnamon

Mix it all until it resembles a thick (this is important because if it's too runny, it will seriously slide right into your mouth and down your neck) chocolate paste. Rub it on to your face and leave it on for 30 minutes!  It's great - it takes away redness and exfoliates.  Love it, people.


so here's the thing.

I woke up this morning to cloudy skies, biting wind, and sprinkles of snow rain.  And you know, I would be perfectly ok with that if it weren't for a few things.

1. I am on campus all day, which means I had to put on human clothes and do my hair and wear makeup.  No top buns and yoga pants for me just yet!

2. I don't own this

3. I'm not at home watching An Affair to Remember.  And if you're not at home watching it either, then I suggest you get home so you can do so.  Seriously, make any changes necessary, and watch it on Amazon instant stream. You're welcome.

Other than those (semi) important things, I'm a happy camper.  I'm listening to Frank Sinatra radio and enjoying this dreary weather.  And dreaming of yoga pants and top buns.  But trust me, being in this office is actually pretty great despite my daydreaming.  Here's why:

A fellow student sat himself and his overabundant joy for the piano down on the bench outside my office and was playing to his heart's content.  And others, apparently.  He was shortly joined by another student who was more than happy to share his vocal talents.  I've never heard so much emotion, bad timing and innocence in my life. But oh the guts it takes, so I had no problem with it. 

Someone dear delivered hot chocolate to me.  Yes please? Thanks and why?  Can this become a trend?

Jamie showed up in a GREAT mood and showered me with compliments.  Always makes for a good morning.  Oh, and then he ran out to join the local musicians.  Uh, can I keep him forever?

Lastly, because I'm surrounded by service and therefore, great people.  No complaints there.

Ok. That's all.  And if that wasn't enough for you, here are some website that will unfortunately make your house, clothing, hair, and life feel inadequate.  Don't let it get you down!

Obviously I'm doing too much daydreaming over here.  One day I'll own a house. Right?


best weekend.

Some pretty amazing things happened this weekend. I embarked on a journey to the happiest place on earth, which was perfect!  We made it there and back (almost) safely! We had some minor major encounters with spiders in the car we borrowed from my brother (our intention was to save money on gas, not to have night terrors from spiders nesting). There was a total of three spiders seen, but many more felt.  The first sighting was about an hour into the trip, as one crawled right by me on the driver's side and up into a crack by the window.  OHMYGOSH I freaked.  I actually think I was bawling, yet somehow managed to get us safely pulled off the freeway.  Jennae was so sweet and calm, she searched for the spider - to no avail - and took over driving.  Needless to say, it was an interesting trip with some lengthy stops to do anything we could to rid our car of the slut spiders.  Just outside of Vegas, after the second spider sighting, we stopped and got a deep cleaning car wash then vacuumed out the entire car.  In our minds, the car wash would send them all running (even the thought makes me want to hurl) into the car, where we would all smash them.  So we went through the entire car was with lights on and weapons in hand. You think I'm joking.   Unfortunately (or fortunately? I can't decide) they decided to keep hiding out.  I hate them.

On our drive there, however, as we were driving through the middle of California, I get a call from this girl and she got her mission call?!?! I am so excited for her and all the other girls that have waited for this moment their whole lives.  Perth, Australia is going to LOVE her!

Anyways, here is a photo dump.  Sorry, they are all from phones, so don't expect too much out of them:

mimi comforting me after the first spider made his debut

right outside the disney gates (before our hair turned afro from the rain)!

cars land

just eating our weenies for first lunch

hanging out with adam


i love this place so much

brer fox needed some loving.

as we got off our last ride - haunted mansion - we were dancing our way off the moving walkway and one of the workers slipped this into my hand so...
of course we had to use it.  yolo,right? free pass to any ride!


and it's sunday.

Rules for a standard Sunday:

Wake up too late for church, and never understand how you can't find anything in my closet to wear for Runway Sunday's (singles ward problems).

Settle into Sacrament Meeting - after taking in everyone's outfits and checking to see if your future husband is sitting in the vicinity - and make sure one of your friends has brought the community gum.

Pull out your phone after the first 20 minutes.  It was a valiant effort, but if you really wanted to stay away from your phone, you would have left it at home.

Press refresh on instagram feed every 5 minutes. I mean come on, I know it's early on a Sunday morning, but not a single person has something interesting to post?

Mingle between church blocks. You've got to be social for a couple minutes a day at least, or you'll forget what the sound of your own voice sounds like (here is where you ask the designated gum roommate to break it out...stale breath=no EC's).

After church, IMMEDIATELY change into a baggy shirt and shorts, then literally stuff your face with every random piece of food on your shelf. This is an important part of your day, without this step, you will not feel like a fat slob.  You must not miss this.

Take a nap. Like, forever.

Watch movies on movies on movies.  It doesn't even matter what they are, because you will be on your phone the whole time, wrapped up in a blanket, thinking of what more baked goods you could fill you stomach with.

Go to bed feeling very unfulfilled yet also satisfied...? See, normally you don't get much done on Sundays, but it feels so good. Feel free to elaborate on those steps at your own risk.  Today, we had ward choir after church which ROCKED (have you ever heard of 40+ people showing up to ward choir when they could be indulging in Sunday afternoon activities? See above list for details).  We bonded with so many people and even CRIED when we heard the piece first come together.  We also had a good time at ward prayer and beyond bonding about choir even more - guys, we're seriously obsessed.  The following terms came up: "choir club", "choir parties", "choir jackets", "tall tees".  Then we came home and were paid a visit by our favorite engaged couple (Mimi's brother and his fiance) and company.  Company stayed later than engaged couple, and we laughed and laughed and didn't have a serious conversation once.

These are just some of my tips to making the most out of your Sunday. Take it or leave it. Oh, and enjoy these beauties from various points at church.

disclaimer: I LOVE church. So much, and I do get amazing things out of it.  I enjoy everyone there, everything that is said, and all the thoughts and inspiration I get. Sometimes...my phone just gets in the way.


the countdown begins!

I can't count how many times my roommates and I have said, "We need to get out of Provo!" or "Why haven't we gone to California yet?" or "Let's just take a spontaneous trip!" Well, we were tired of not doing anything about these comments, so...we did something.

We did some booking last night for a suite hotel motel in Anaheim.  Yes, we are going to

 I have nothing else to say.  Really, I don't. Halloween at DISNEYLAND?? I could not be any happier if I tried.

Fun things at #29:
  • Disney, duh.
  • Watching movies while studying the past two nights.  So much better than regular, smart people studying.
  • The amazing bra I bought last night for $20. Seriously. So. Happy.
  •  A picture is worth a thousand words. We had a lot to say in our moments of boredom (sorry Jennae:


thus far...

It seems like all I ever do is catch up on this blog. Woops, sorry?  This summer/school year has just gotten away with me!  But I'll do my best to fill you in on the glamorous life of yours truly.

I don't know how, but I escaped CP without any diseases (as far as I can tell, but let's give it a couple more months. Maybe I should go get checked just in case? I mean, we are talking about Campus Plaza here...) and moved into a darling little place that feels more like a home than anything.  You know, like it has a wreath on the door and yummy candles inside, cute decorations and even cuter roommates? It's wonderful.  The great thing about Junior year - or the downfall, in some cases - is the fact that you can justify not being social, because you're a junior and juniors are studious and have serious boyfriends  and are all partied out from their first two years of school. Right?

Anyways, here are some pictures from my phone that will just have to hold us over until I decide to use a real camera that doesn't make my skin look gray.

my bestie boos came to support me at my first/last triathlon
september 11 memorial #weloveamerica

you're not really friends until you've been to a wedding together...

this lady had a birthday!
we attended the dedication for the brigham city temple!

we had a good time spectating at the hockey home opener...

obviously we were there for the players, not the playing.
papa smith came into town and i indulged in a little football with him!


up to date

You know that ancient Gavin DeGraw song "I'm In Love With a Girl"?  Well yesterday, I caught myself singing it with the words "I'm in love with the world!"  Totally sneaked through my subconscious, that little devil, and made myself laugh.  I had never once practiced those lyrics to the song, or - to my knowledge - had ever sung that before...um? Quite the surprise.  Here's why those lyrics of my version of the song made their way into Summer 2012:

I believe in this program so much.  It changed lives these past two weeks, including mine.  I was a counselor for the two sessions it currently enrolls, and each week I had twelve amazing girls!  It's a camp similar to EFY in the sense that it's spiritually uplifting, built around the Mutual theme of the year, wonderful speakers come, and we are involved in so many fun activities!  But it's different, of course, because it is an all girls camp. I was a participant at Retreat for Girls back in 2005 and again in 2006, and I encourage all girls between the ages of 11 and 15 to save their money and go, it is so absolutely worth every penny.  I can't wait to return next year! 

However, it was an exhausting process getting ready for it (extra: I went home to prepare and bought a car from my parents! my mom drove back to utah with me...and my five million bags and buckets of supplies.  So blessed to have a car!) and even more exhausting living it.  I was up hours before my girls and up hours after them, and the hour a day I wasn't with them, I was in a meeting talking about them, and how to better myself for them.  It was a really interesting experience, living such a selfless life for that little bit, that returning to regular life was a challenge.  I was so used to counting 12 little heads behind me (or, like most times, counting 10 and going on a wild goose chase to find the missing 2), and constantly praying for patience and love, and crying over sweet things my girls did.  It was amazing.  Here are some pictures:

some of my cute girls (1st week)
all of my chic chicks (1st week)
last day :( (1st week)

we got SOAKED as we left the dorms for the weekend. but, we went to texas roadhouse to get out of the rain. good thing? yes
some of us spent the weekend in between at Bo's beautiful place in Idaho!

Go Team Kenton! (counselors, 2nd week)

counselor roomies (love them, duh)

my girls relaxing with "green goop" (they'll learn the importance of it one day) on their faces (2nd week)

Last day! (2nd week) Miss them.

 I love and miss all 24 of my girls so much!  I've received a few e-mails from them, but I just want them all back!

I wasn't in Provo very long after this, but I had some exciting things to look forward to for the few days I was in town!  A very important one being:

That was an exciting, emotional three hours in our apartment.  Jennae, who was away from us visiting her family, texted me and said, "Watching the bachelorette proposal and fully sobbing right now." Oh yes.  I know exactly how you felt, bbyJ.

we wanted to world to know how excited we were to talk about the satellite...not. (stop hitting on us, you're 31.)
I also just took full advantage of being a new car owner (let this be known: the car is not new, the ownership of the car is new) and ran errands around Provo.  Monday night was full of trying to pack, seeing my brother, reuniting with Cafe Rio, talking about astronomy and watching a satellite make it's way across the sky (weird experience), catching up with fellow CP-ers, and then doing some REAL stargazing.  The kind I like.  You know, with a boy.

This is really all I have to leave you with, that life is wonderful.  And, as I've been telling my girls the past couple weeks, you don't choose the happy life, you make it.  Even if things are hard, if you keep waiting for the good times, that's exactly what you'll spend your life doing: waiting.  Choose to be happy, especially when it's easier to choose to be sad!
