
best weekend.

Some pretty amazing things happened this weekend. I embarked on a journey to the happiest place on earth, which was perfect!  We made it there and back (almost) safely! We had some minor major encounters with spiders in the car we borrowed from my brother (our intention was to save money on gas, not to have night terrors from spiders nesting). There was a total of three spiders seen, but many more felt.  The first sighting was about an hour into the trip, as one crawled right by me on the driver's side and up into a crack by the window.  OHMYGOSH I freaked.  I actually think I was bawling, yet somehow managed to get us safely pulled off the freeway.  Jennae was so sweet and calm, she searched for the spider - to no avail - and took over driving.  Needless to say, it was an interesting trip with some lengthy stops to do anything we could to rid our car of the slut spiders.  Just outside of Vegas, after the second spider sighting, we stopped and got a deep cleaning car wash then vacuumed out the entire car.  In our minds, the car wash would send them all running (even the thought makes me want to hurl) into the car, where we would all smash them.  So we went through the entire car was with lights on and weapons in hand. You think I'm joking.   Unfortunately (or fortunately? I can't decide) they decided to keep hiding out.  I hate them.

On our drive there, however, as we were driving through the middle of California, I get a call from this girl and she got her mission call?!?! I am so excited for her and all the other girls that have waited for this moment their whole lives.  Perth, Australia is going to LOVE her!

Anyways, here is a photo dump.  Sorry, they are all from phones, so don't expect too much out of them:

mimi comforting me after the first spider made his debut

right outside the disney gates (before our hair turned afro from the rain)!

cars land

just eating our weenies for first lunch

hanging out with adam


i love this place so much

brer fox needed some loving.

as we got off our last ride - haunted mansion - we were dancing our way off the moving walkway and one of the workers slipped this into my hand so...
of course we had to use it.  yolo,right? free pass to any ride!


  1. ummm i am SO sorry about the spider fiasco they truly are terrifying! i just hate them so much! but i love you SO SO SO MUCH!

  2. jealousy!!!!!!! but looks like a blast. you're beautiful. as always.

  3. Okay so judging on the above comments, what do you all say to a RFG reunion to DISNEYLAND before Rae and I embark on our missions? DEAL?
