
life got in the way.

It was just one of those weekends where nothing important got done - including sleep - but everything else did.  And I'm not even mad, even though my tired body might be just a little bit (and no, daylight saving didn't help me at all. How the heck am I supposed to know that I got an extra hour of sleep when the change occurs at 2 am??).

It really was a doozy, though.  Friday night the girls of CT #29 went to Wreck it Ralph with some boyfriends in our ward.  It was pretty darling, and the commentary from the randoms behind us was killer.  And by commentary, I mean constant talking with not-so-inside-voices.  There were probably some very adult drinks involved as well.  We won't be inviting them next time.  

Saturday morning, we all woke up and found ourselves at Denny's 10 minutes later.  Saturday morning breakfasts are so fantastic.  I'm not a breakfast person - if I ever have time for breakfast during the week, I usually stick with yogurt or a banana - but Saturday morning breakfasts really just inspire me to do good.  Needless to say, it was a good start to a great/exhausting day.  As soon as we got back, Jennae and I once again found ourselves on a double date with the same boys from the haunted house (we really don't plan it, I swear), hiking up Stewart Falls. Those boys kill me.  After we bathed  took pictures by the falls, we made our way back down to Provo and pigged out at Mountain West Burrito (thanks, Jensen).  Eat there, and you will be happy forever. Once we called it a day with those boys, Jennae and I were anxiously awaiting hot showers and sweatpants.  But only after we attended the cutest performance of the Nutcracker at the Covey Center for the Arts.  The girls that Mimi nannies performed in it, and although my tired little eyes couldn't stay open much longer, I loved it.

Sunday.  You know how Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest? Yeah. Sometimes, it's not.  This Sunday looked a little like this:  wake up for church, go to ward choir, make brownies, go back to campus for meetings with the Bishop, make more brownies, go to break the fast, finger paint, go to ward prayer.  I was just making memories left and right this weekend, folks. And here are some pictures to prove it!


we made it alive! (too soon?)

ward prayer bonding (seriously love these ladies of mine)
works of art (and yes, I'm talking about Jensen's legs)



  1. wait...that last picture.
    was that when i almost died after stubbing my four toes SO HARD? i'm dying at this picture.

  2. ok woman you are having too too much fun! love you so much!

  3. I am so grateful for your blog! It makes me so happy to read about what is going on in your life! I miss you so much! I can't wait to move back to Utah so we can be best friends and visit eachother everyday because we are obsessed with eachother. Mmmmkaygreat.
