
hornets + honeymooning.

First of all, how babe'n are my parents??  Mimi and I went to my parent's house on Sunday for dinner and the night ended with us looking through Smith family photos.  Cause who doesn't like to see a picture of little Chrissy with lipstick covering her entire face??


Anyways, onwards!  This picture! I can't get over it.  It was taken as they were leaving their reception and on their way to honeymoonin' (hence the nervous look on my mom's face? idk. is that weird that i pointed that out? let's move on quickly).  I showed this picture to my parents, who then proceeded to tell us (as they always do but the story still doesn't get old) that as they arrived at the little cabin in the mountains they were honeymooning in, my mom stepped out of the car. And straight onto a hornet's nest.  So as my poor mother was getting attacked by hornets, my dad rolled up a newspaper and started wailing on my mom.  I mean, he was trying to hit the hornets OBVIOUSLY but I'm sure it felt slash looked suspiciously a lot like domestic abuse...

They went on to have 4 [wonderful beautiful perfect normal] children.

So now. Onto my life. Which is [unfortunately] honeymoon free and [fortunately] hornet free. At least I hope.  Wednesday night, the night before Halloween, C (or, as Jennae cleverly calls him, Chaz) picked me up for our second date!! Eeeek! We went to Starbuck's and just chatted for a couple hours.  It was heavenly, he is so easy to talk to.  When he dropped me off, he walked me to my door and hugged me goodbye...then we hugged goodbye for real half an hour later.  I sent him the ever-faithful ADT, to which he responded and said "p.s. I'm watching Halloween on TV - you should turn it on!" So I said "I'm not going to watch that! How weird if I just turn that on and watch it by myself in my living room!" See what I did there? Ten minutes later, he came back to pick me up and we watched Michael Myers (who I thought until that day was the comedian Mike Meyers, also known as Shrek) at his finest. Third date this Friday, details to follow. 

Halloween was a major success as Mimi and I dress up as (here were the top three guesses from the night):

1. Babes in Toyland
2. Nutcrackers
3. Circus performers

Which were all good guesses. We were actually just a Baby Doll and a Baton Twirler.  But we said yes, you're absolutely right!  to everyone's guesses. Nothing like a little confidence boost for their egos, you know? Also, as we left the party we attended, we felt a little bit like prostitutes because every boy was cat-calling us.  So there's that. 

The weekend was followed by lots of studying, relaxing, and football practice. And by football practice I mean we did our best to make a game out of 6 players total. It ended with a mighty fine bruise on my shoulder (sorry Emilee, I still don't know where I hit you but you're probably in pain still) and a celebration at Sonic.  Because the weather was nice? Because I scored a touchdown? Because we love ourselves enough to go to Sonic?  And the evening ended with puppy cuddles and friend chats at Emilee's apartment.  

This is a super incognito picture from the band practice I attended last night with Emilee and Summer. We were shoved into the comfiest little corner of an attic and enjoyed an hour of jammin' along with our new best friend Ali.  Who is now my inspiration - does anybody want me in their band? I could probably even settle for a tambourin solo? 

Also: 3 weeks until Thanksgiving.  Halle-frickin-lujah.     


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