

This week:

:: I was taken to “social sev” on Tuesday night, and I think that the fact I referred to a 7-11 in Provo as “social sev” makes me a douche.  But nevertheless, I went because when you do live in Provo and an old friend (and by old I actually just mean new but forgotten/neglected/we hooked up once and therefore couldn’t look each other in the eyes for 2+ months…now I’m rambling?) wants to catch up, it’s not like we can just go to a bar and drown our awkwardness in double seven and sevens.  So! Hot chocolate and convenience store donuts it is!  Which, if you know me, you know that donuts are my love language. So he was spot on in suggesting that we go there.

:: This week I have felt especially spontaneous.  And while my to-do list I wrote on Sunday night is longer than most children’s Christmas lists, I have neglected the necessary to attend to the extra-curriculars. Read: not doing homework because better options keep coming up.  Emilee wants to go on a hike? Yes! Offered the chance to drive the vespa? Me oh my YES...(it was fun until I completely crashed into a hummer and was laying in the road with a scooter on top of me. Then it just became hilarious.) Mimi wants to take a quick trip up to South Jordan? You bet I’m on board!  Social Sev is serving steamed milk? Hells yeah I’m there (and now I’ve said Social Sev twice in one post…you can just slap me next time you see me).  A wants to watch New Girl with me? Of course I'm not busy! 
This leads me to another thing: spontaneity at its finest, really.  You know the itjustgetsstranger blog? Well I have a crush on Eli.  The author of the blog. So I decided to email him and let him know I’m available! I also told him I’m a loud laugher and I think about food 24/7.  So I basically waved goodbye to any chances with him as soon as I hit send.  And I’m fine with that.

:: I'm just as confused as ever with C/Chaz.  We went to the library to study together last night - perfect opportunity to sneak off into the stacks and make out, no? I thought so too. Instead, we were actually good students and studied almost the whole time.  And when he walked me home, all he said was "You should cross the street now. Peace."  He forgot to say, "Have a good night, Chelsea!" Oh man. That boy...what does he want from me? Does anybody know? 

:: And now for something a little more deep - lately I have wanted everything I do to be worthwhile.  I first had this thought on Wednesday when my professor emailed and asked if I would please give a spiritual thought before class started?  And I immediately started thinking about something – anything – I could whip together really quick that would make me sound so super intelligent and spiritual and…then I realized that I could really use this opportunity to share something of note.  Meaning, I wanted to discuss something that my Heavenly Father wanted me to discuss. Cheesy? Yes. But after my Social Sev evening with T and various chats throughout the week, never have I ever felt a stronger desire to discover my purpose.  I know, I know. This is getting to be too much.  But I have been given the opportunity to be on this earth, and who knows why!  So even though this all started with giving a 30-second devo in a math class full of 20 year old girls, I really think I’m catching on here, guys!  If I want to make a difference and be a better person, all I have to do is include HF in all my decisions and daily life. I actually feel like I could go on forever about this, but then it just gets boring. So I'm done. Quick, here are pictures.

we asked the two ladies that were just a few switchbacks behind us to take our picture once they reached the Y. we had sworn that they started at the trailhead with a toddler...and they were toddler-less once they reached the top. it was concerning - so much so that we kept checking for a small child on our way down.

Fizzoli's with my boyfriend, post-target rampage in South Jordan. 


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