

I honestly went to work this morning. Looking like this.  I’ve been doing this thing lately where I don’t wake up for work until the last minute. And I almost literally mean the last minute.  I rolled out of my bed 7:40 and was at work at 7:59. Face washed, deodorant clad, and fresh underwear adorned – so it’s not like I’ve totally given up on hygiene. Also I get paid to interact with people, so it seemed necessary that I took all precautions during those 19 minutes to seem as approachable as possible because no one likes to talk to someone with eye boogers and that’s a fact.  So you can start slow clapping for my generosity and kindness for getting those nasties out of there pronto. 

But trust me when I say that I will be showering the first chance I get today because I’m going out with a boy tonight!  He took me to dinner on Saturday night and we just chatted/bonded/laughed the night away (and by night I mean the 1.5 hours we were together).  As he drove me home, he mentioned that we should totally do something on Wednesday! and I made a face as I mentally went through my calendar (Wednesday just happens to be a really busy day for me!). He interpreted the face as ewnowearenevertalkingagain or at least he sensed some hesitation because he then said “How about you let me know…”

Gosh dang it. I hate having to call the shots.  So as I was struggling all day yesterday with what to do – do I text him? do I wait to hear from him? does he hate me and never want to hear from me again? – I mentioned my dilemma to my good friend Seth.  Who then coaxed me into drafting the following text: 

“so what time are you picking me up tomorrow?”

Of course I wasn’t going to send it, I was just humoring Seth. Who then picked up my phone and sent it for me. Worst. Moment. Ever. I was so embarrassed! I think I actually looked around for a cliff to jump off.
But I mean, I guess it worked. And by that I mean I guess I made him agree to picking me up tomorrow because my text left no choice. I know, I know. I’m dramatic.
At least these put my mind at ease. A little. OK a lot. 

p.s. is this not the most horrifying snap you've ever seen?

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