
in which i turn into a concert go-er

On Thursday night, I got a call from good old Spencer boy inviting me to the Imagine Dragons concert on Friday night. I was perhaps the most undeserving person in Provo he could have invited because I didn't even know they were having a concert. But apparently I was the only one.  It was at Energy Solutions arena in which I'm pretty sure I saw every human being who has ever lived.  

It was AWESOME though because not only were we on the very front row of the bleachers (bleachers is definitely the wrong word to describe them because this was NOT a high school basketball game in which I was able to walk out to the concession stands to flirt with the student body president whilst ordering a frito pie - but I couldn't think of what else to call them? risers? is that too choir-esque? i give up), but we were also given FREE FOOD. Free food.  And when Radioactive came on at the very end, I just about died I got so into it. 

please notice his shirt in this picture, because in all the others it's different. yes, he changed shirts randomly with his boss in the middle of the concert. trust me, we were all confused.

At one point, everyone took out their cell phones and were waving them in the air (like that's an actual thing -  i was mostly sure, in my 20 years of life, that that was a joke) and it was so bright and beautiful!  The lead singer Dan Reynolds - and yes I looked that up just now for the purposes of blogging - got choked up so then I got choked up. Nothing new here though. 
Even after pigging out on pizza and soda and treats throughout the concert, I could not leave that arena without getting a giant ice cream cone. Which, shortly after, I was sick of so Spencer threw it up (and by threw it up I do not mean vomit, I mean he literally took the cone in his hand and threw it in an upward motion) on the ceiling of the parking garage. Cause what else would one do with an ice cream cone??  

And somehow, I was asked/convinced/conned/kidnapped into going to yet another haunted house this halloween season. I HATE MYSELF SO MUCH RIGHT NOW because it was easily the most terrifying haunted house I have ever been to.  And I was wearing littly tiny rubber pink flats that come off at the most inopportune times, like when I'm walking on a padded ground in the pitch black or in a revolving room with marionettes trying to latch onto me. Hinothanksbyeihateyou.

 So after that super uplifting Friday night, I got to sit back and relax to General Conference alllll weekend and it was delicious.  Except no new temples? Did we all have the same level of concern here?

Then on Sunday evening, Mimi and I both had jim-jams from being on a couch all weekend so we went on a drive! We NEVER go on Sunday drives. Or drives period. We're go-go type of people. If we're in the car, we have somewhere to go. So we go. And then we drive quickly to our next destination.
Like secret agents.
Or like people who desperately need to go grocery shopping.  

 So hopefully everyone's weekend treated them equally as well.  Oh, and a plasma update, cause I know everyone is wondering how my new favorite hobby is:

I made $90 this week. So yeah, I'm content. 


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