
Well!  Another Y-Serve Retreat has come and gone and I am alllllmost positive I have never been asked so many questions about my dating life before. 
When someone asks me if I'm single: 

Almost always. 

When engaged people tell me "your time will come!". Like, maybe, maybe not. Maybe screw yourself. Jokes! But, let it serve as a lesson to myself that when and if the day comes that I find myself engaged, I will not elicit my advice onto the poor, single people of the world. Cause just no. 

BUT! Other than becoming significantly more aware of how single I was, it was a great weekend. I spent it with two other office assistants and we had such. a good. time. 

There's something about work friends, ya know? They inevitably end up hearing about all your problems, the new person your ex is dating, and a smorgasbord of other embarrassing things you just need someone to vent to to get through the day. You sometimes do get carried away in your conversations and realize you've gone a solid part of the day just talking about your lives and not doing work but I mean, oops?

The three of us spent our time setting up tables and chairs, cooking, and cleaning. It was so fulfilling, especially when some of the program directors would come into the kitchen, pull up a barstool and peel potatoes with us, and just chat. I felt like a mom! It was so fun. And yes, while we didn't get a lot of sleep (thus the tired eyes and oily hair so sorry), it was worth all the bonding. And many, many rounds of head bands. 

See video below. I can't stop playing.  

[stacey] doing dishes!

crowding around the doors to listen to the end of the morning devo. i thiiiiink we all fell asleep shortly after this pic? 
just always laughing. 
i love these people. 

"the moms"

And now presenting Headbands...

And now onto MLK Jr. day! Hooray for sleeping in.


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