
pic or it didn't happen.

So normally, because I am my mother's daughter, I take pictures of every breathing moment of my life. Which, I realize, should be every moment of my life.
But lately I have kept myself so busy going from place to place that I haven't even thought to whip out the camera and document. 

Like, would you even believe me if I told you that I went indoor surfing last week with minimal injury, then went on to cuddle (with a boy!) (like, duh) while watching Mud at 2 am? No, probably not, because I don't have pictures.

Or, that I have actually, for maybe the first time in my life (after realizing that children in Ethiopia were probably eating better balanced meals than I was), made myself at home in the kitchen and have cooked a meal for myself almost everyday? Including the time, just days after hashing out our failed "relationship", M randomly came over with his roommates to eat lasagna with me on Sunday? No, there is no proof of that actually happening, so did it really? I kind of wish it didn't. 

Or the 2 hours I spent on Pangaea bed at Kailey's as we bonded and ate frozen grapes and talked about life (read: boys). 

Or the 2 hour bath Mimi and I took last night IN SWIMSUITS. All the bubbles had dissolved and yet we still had so much to talk about. 
But maybe it's best that there are no pictures of this. I think you would all just feel weird.

Or, after getting home from bonding with friends the other night, receiving great [free] advice from my life coaches Mimi and Devin as we all laid around for a couple hours (sorry to crash the party!)

Or the lunch I had at Chick-fil-a yesterday with two of my favorite boys who just make me feel awesome about myself.  But seriously. I've never laughed so hard or smiled so much (even though I had food in my teeth cool guys). It has been months since we've all been together, and it brought back seriously good memories of washington and late night chats at my apartment.

These, among other things, are the recent happenings of my life that I really wish I had pictures of because for all you know I could be lying about it all (except I would have to be the lamest person alive if I lied about my life and this is all I came up with -__-).

Here are some pictures I have, although they are pretty irrelevant and without artistic appeal:

+ "ride or die".  mimi, the hand-lettering master, indulged the birthday boy devin by giving him a pre-surfing tat. no ragrets, amirite?
+ post-surfing sonic run. i am COMPLETELY embarrassed by how white/wide my legs are but hey! let's move on, yeah?
+ mimi and i went to chipotle on saturday (seriously, those were our only plans) so we made a trip out of it and stopped in at ikea. "honey, don't be alarmed, but there's an asian family in our kitchen." 500 days of summer? anyone? iloveyou joseph gordon-levitt
+ our friend phil texted us and told us he had a show at the moxie lounge! maybe we went just so we could say we went to the moxie lounge and somehow that makes us cool? but also, those boys are GOOD. like, constant swooning kind of good.

+ more moxie lounge pics. cool?

 + aaaaaaand a compilation of the top snapchats i've received this week. what do you guys do in your free time?

I'm off for a work retreat tonight! YAY for long weekend and lots of sleeping in!


p.s. I am in need of a fake boyfriend (this is real). ATTN: If you are single, good looking (or at least semi-) AND in the area, can I hire you? Thanks! I pay in compliments and attention.

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