
this just in...

For the past few months, I have said countless times that I want to go to NYC this year. Well.

I'm going.

I'm going to New York City!

I had air miles that were expiring at the end of this month, so last night I called the airlines to see what my options were. Next thing I know, I was booking a flight for Valentine's Day (hellooooo I hope my Tom Hanks shows up at the top of the Empire State Building on V-Day!).

Can you believe it?? My brother just sent an email out to the family saying:

 "This is the view from my window right now.  Excited to have Chrissy come out!"

Yikes. I'm the luckiest girl alive.  

My Pinterest has suddenly exploded with secret pin boards of places I want to visit, clothes I want to buy, shows I want to see, etc. This city is a favorite of mine (and everyone's) and I just can't get enough of it.  

Concrete jungle, here I come!

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