
let go and let god. & McD.

These new filters on snapchat are heavensent, don't ya think?
Like, helloooo flawless skin that doesn't exist in the real world. I'm sure those I snap are grateful for them as well.
Yesterday, Mimi and I were dying at the snapchats that were coming our way during Sacrament meeting.

Ok. So this past week has been so random. As is most of my life, I think? Aside from the times I am in my apartment with Mimi in the greatest of all late-night ensembles (read: blue sweat pants from sophomore year with one of my three favorite t-shirts sans bra), chatting and laughing the night away, I find myself in the most random of situations. I thrive off of these spontaneous maybe i'll never see these people again yes let's please all try to squeeze 9 of us in a booth because i love cuddling during my all-you-can-eat meal! Where was I going with all of this? 

Oh yeah! Spontaneous! I feel like I owe it to my posterity + the nights where I am just sitting in my apartment in the sexiest of all get-ups to document some of these spur of the moment activities I engage in.

:: last wednesday, mimi and i joined our jeffy-boy at pizza pie cafe. along with about 254 more of his friends. at one booth. NO I'M NOT BITTER i just like my space? i think had i known that shortly after eating all those carbs (pasta included! radiatore with red pepper tomato sauce please!) i would be going hot tubbing, i would have re-thought my meal choice. BUT you win some you lose some. whatever that means in this situation. but mimi brought me along to her hot tubbing group, after which i spent a couple hours chatting with one of the boys on facebook. after some playful banter and over-the-top flirting, i got out of bed, put my contacts back in and smeared some coverup on my face reallll quick so I could join him on a rendezvous to mcdonald's. we ended up talking in his parking lot for an hour after that and he quickly became one of my new favorite people.

:: thursday night, mimi and i curled up on her bed for the better part of 3 hours to eat an entire sleeve of cookie dough and watch frozen (disregard the fact that it was most likely illegal to be doing so) and it was lovely. i then met up with mcdonald's boy again to watch the way, way back. because of the movie and the boy, it was one of the funniest slash funnest slash most validating of nights. keep telling me nice things! thanks!

:: on friday night, mimi and i again found ourselves asleep on her bed in the middle of the afternoon, with a welcome visit by taylor who stuck around long enough to pick out my outfit for me. cool. mimi and i then joined devin and McD (it's staying) for gopro adventures, texas roadhouse (WHAT'S UP we sat at the bar - i'm just doing all sorts of illegal stuff these days!) and the saratov approach. which i would give a very enthusiastic one thumb up!

:: saturday morning, i spent it shopping for a bridal shower gift. this go-around was trickier than most because it was a gift for my cousin, meaning my aunts and cousins and all the elderly women they've collected as friends along the way would be seeing this gift. but i quickly settled on THE cutest pair of panties (barfing that i just said that) and all was well.

:: yesterday, during church, the most embarrassing of all embarrassing moments occurred. we were sitting in sunday school and i volunteered to read some verses. it sounds good so far but it quickly went downhill.  as i was reading about the fall of adam and eve in moses chapter 4, what i was supposed to read was "Because thou has hearkened unto the voice of they wife, and hast eaten of the fruit of the tree..." but what i actually read was "Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the fruit of they wife..." ... it's cool guys i'll just go jump off a cliff.
but actually, everyone was cracking up and i was crying i was laughing so hard. i kept getting questions throughout the day like, "so what version of the scriptures do you have?"

:: last night, i caught up on all sorts of trending media (the grammy's, sean+catherine wedding, and loads of basketball games) as McD sat on his couch and giggled+guffawed the night away.

That was such a novel. Applause to you if you made it to the end. And if you didn't make it to this point, I don't even blame you a little bit.

just remember: let go and let god. 

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