
what the end of the semester looks like

the chipped nailpolish really adds to the i'm easy going and low maintenance look i've been going for lately, don't you think?

If by shower, you mean did I slap on some leggings and put on deoderant, then yes. I did shower today. 

See here's the thing, last night, after McDonald's with Jennae, Panda Express with Taylor and Seth at their apartment, and roommate bonding (+ Melissa!!) over the VS Fashion Show, I was about ready to turn in when a boy invited me over to watch New Girl at his apartment.  Two things I love:

1) boys
2) New Girl

So 10 minutes later, I found myself at his apartment.  After a night of cuddles and such, I finally made it home only to realize that I HAD A LESSON PLAN DUE TODAY THAT I HAD TOTALLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT. I had marked yesterday as my lazy day - I even wrote in my planner no work today accompanied by a little drawing of elephants and confetti. No. Joke. So you can imagine my surprise when I had to force my eyes to stay open until 4 am to do a lesson plan. Darn school.

So this morning, after I had slept for a good couple hours, I woke up to get ready for work and almost screamed when I saw myself in the bathroom mirror.  The image was frightening - bags under my eyes the size of actual grocery bags (that visual is actually disturbing so forget i said it), hair the texture of carpet, and mascara mysteriously spread all over my face. What had I even done in my sleep?? How did I have time to make myself look this way? Seriously, I have stored that selfie image away in the same mental filing cabinet that also stores me seeing a naked German grandmother in the locker room and photos of the Holocaust and every story of child abuse I've ever read and Janet Reno's picture. It was terrifying.

Speaking of VS Fashion Show, 3 things:

:: Mimi decked out and bought us yummy treats and decorated with her Pink dogs. 
:: I actually couldn't decide whether to feel self loathing and resentment towards the floating-rib-less models, or stoked on the fact that I get to eat and they don't. All the food in front of me made the decision for me. 
:: I don't have a third thing?? 

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