
a maaaajor overload of christmas snapshots

Currently, I am sitting in my office and I'm aaaalllmost positive I'm the only person on campus? Which is probably best because every few minutes I pull out my phone, open up snapchat and make faces to my camera. So that's a pretty good indication of my morning. Otherwise, I'm entertaining myself with Besty-Tacy books and Scandal  on Netflix, and trying really hard to decide if I look better with mascara on my bottom lashes or not. 

Besides my slowly-ticking hours in my office, Christmas break has been a real peach.  Because I'm the youngest in my family, I never really experienced watching little humans opening gifts on Christmas morning. I was missing out because watching my little niece hug her pillow pet the minute it came out of the wrapping and exlaim "how did you know this is JUST WHAT I WANTED!" was enough to get me through until I can have little babies of my own. Which, lets be real, is years away. By default. Not by choice, I assure you. Can you tell I'm baby hungry? Those kids just get to me. Their little waves and their excitement to share literally anything (including the food inside their mouths that they are currently chewing) is to die for!

Anyways. Here is a large amount of pictures with no rhyme or reason, jut a peek into my past week.

 + last week, taylor and i hit up pop n sweets per tradition to catch up on dating and...dating? oh, and huckleberry soda. we then took seth up to the airport and it made me oh so nostalgic for our seattle trip.

+ this cat. just doesn't like me. wtf. 

+ sethy boy, post knee surgery!

 + smith family tradition of sunday night walks and snowball fights (see: chris' back. courtesy of yours truly).

+ on monday night, we met up with G&P&kids in salt lake for a walk around temple square and dinner at my grandparents. it was less of a scenic walk of temple lights and more of shoving elbows to get through and constantly counting heads to make sure we had the right children. we didn't want a home alone situation on our hands. kevin's not here! yeah. 

 Christmas Eve and Christmas Day was a blur of pajamas, naps, walks, gingerbread contests, naps, and lots of hugs with the littles. And now that I'm looking at the picture below, I'm really sad I didn't take more advantage of all those treats at the time. I am hungry and stuck in here SOS! Ok that's dramatic. I'm getting paid to be here. Alone. 


Oh hi kitty. 

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