
harold b lee + m + caesar = the men in my life

What a week, am I right??

I have spent the majority of my time this past week either on mega-bed - the bed Mimi and I made downstairs per finals week tradition - or in the library studying my brains out for finals (and, this just in, I only have one left so feel free to start slow clapping).

Scratch that. I have also been spending a lot of time with a boy. I know, guys, I KNOW. More on that later.

Aside from a plasma-gone-wrong situation that I had on my hands (er, my arm?) that left me with a giant bruise and a reprimanding from Pam and Chris, my weekend was great.  I mean, I didn't really sleep much last week on account of school work and boy time, so I typically spent most of my mornings on campus playing "I wonder if I could fall asleep on that" in my mind.  On Thursday night, after all assignments had been turned in and I had wiped away tears of joy for never having to do math homework again, M came over for a night of cuddling and bonding.  3 hours of buzzfeed and a movie later, I was one happy girl.  When he got home that night, he sent me a text and let me know that I would be going out to dinner with him that weekend.  Cue swooning.

So on Saturday, after a day of music practice for our ward Christmas program and constant stress over what I would wear on my date that night, he picked me up and took me to a Thai restaurant.  Which, along with donuts, is another of my love languages. It was such a good time - I felt so comfortable around him right from the start, and as soon as we got up from the table to leave, he put his arm around me.  We then went back to his apartment and met up with his roommates and their girl (space) friends, followed by a night of walking around the Riverwoods and stopping in at Nickel City, just for good measure. (sidenote: we played a game there that was so hard - it's a one-player game and you put your head into this helmet that's attached to an arcade game, and it zooms in on the planes you are supposed to shoot down. the helmet rotates 360 degrees and you have to turn in circles all the time to hit all the planes coming at you. when i got home that night, i saw that i had a snapchat from him from a few hours earlier...IT WAS OF ME TURNING IN CIRCLES AND DODGING FAKE PLANES and i looked like an idiot. just...no). It was so fun - he was holding my hand and he made me feel so comfortable it was just a perfect night. We all went back to their apartment where we had hot chocolate and played the funniest card game that I probably won't ever recommend to anyone that flinches when they hear "closet hanger abortion." Because that's just not a laughing matter.

But it actually is. 

Then, after hours of being together, he took me home and we made out in his car like we were back in high school hugged goodnight. Only then did I look at my phone to see that we had been together for 9 hours. NINE. And it was perfect.

Other than a few run-ins at the library, we haven't seen each other since then. Because finals are driving us all to the breaking point. As you can see below.

And yet another library picture, because other than watching The Carrie Diaries on mega-bed and the occasional night with M, the library is all we do. 

Which brings us to today.  This morning at 10:30, I left to go pick up a friend and take him to an auto shop.  While I was out, I called Mimi (who even though was in the shower still answered her phone) and told her I would pick up a pizza for us.  I guess I forgot, however, that most people don't need pizza at 10:45 in the morning, so Little Caeser's doesn't open until 11. 

It's fine! I'm loyal enough that I will just sit here for 15 minutes until you open! 

And, just for viewing pleasure:

Mimi. In the shower. 

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