
latkes, outfit repeater, whining about finals (but what else is new?)

Funny things about today (and it's not even 9 am!):

I woke up with one earring, I suppose, and am just now realizing it.  Here at work. Cool.

The items on my to-do before monday!! list that still aren't done. HA.

I'm re-wearing the outfit I wore on Saturday night (we all do it) to a Hannukah party. A party at which I spent the better part of two hours making latkes. So basically I smell like McDonald's. COME AT ME BOYS. 

Otherwise today is a pretty standard Monday in which I'm already dreading the rest of the week.  In the past, finals week has been stressful (and usually accompanied by a terrible sickness, but good thing my body just decided to be sick all semester so my body didn't have to adjust for just that one week that was already delivered by Satan himself) beyond belief, but this year, my finals week will be pretty tame. 

It's THIS week - the one leading up to finals - that is probably going to kill me. I mean it.  In fact, the other night when I went to Noodles&Co with Emilee, we started to devise a list of things we would rather do than finals prep, which included ridiculously reasonable things like chewing on teeth and eating an alligator (who are we??). Without further ado, I present to you my revised list:

:: peel 4,000 potatoes. with a spork.
:: read the collected works of snooki.
:: crawl a mile. around a track. made of gravel.
:: clean every bathroom in downton abbey.
:: listen to mariah carey sing the national anthem on repeat for 5 hours.
:: med school
:: shave 400 poodles with a razor in a hot, wet sauna
:: test the temperature of lava with my pinky toe
:: get trained in the Dewey Decimal Sysem. in braille.
:: literally anything.

But other than school anxiety, my weekend was great. It started on Thursday night, when Mimi and I attended the Christmas IDP (note: neither of us are big fans of idp's but we're big fans of our friends so we had a good time dancing in a parking garage to christmas dubstep).  The rest of the weekend was followed by lots of snow, cuddle time, [some] tears, dating talks with Taylor (always), dying Jennae's hari, netflix, a Hanukkah party, pot roast, the Christmas Devotional at Temple Square, and ended with story time at Emilee's. Needless to say, it was pretty great, so bring it on, finals! I can take you!


latke queens. so yeah, if you see me on campus today, i'm wearing this exact outift. just fyi.

i love these boys. they make you feel like a million bucks. 

i have zero good feelings towards that girl in the background.

worst picture ever! but just an obligatory picture of temple square lights.


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