
the land of the green.

So, I'll admit it. I loved Eat, Pray, Love.  In fact, dare I say it is one of my favorite books?  For a while in high school, I was proud of this because I thought it was cool to like it - you know, kind of a trendy feminism kick.  Then, everyone started hating on it post-movie production and so I kind of let my love go by the wayside.  But ti's weekend like this past one that make me remember why I love that book - traveling is the BOMB.  Seattle was teh perfect weekend escape to get my hippie side all excited.  Quitting my job sudenly seemed very reasonable as long as I could sub in as some activist-movement guru barista that lived in a lfat with musician roommates that explored liberal ideas and never showered.  It sounds pretty poetic, don't you think?  No? Ok let's move on then. 

I had such a great weekend with these people.  We went to Seattle to send Seth's brother Tanner (the biggest, best boy around) off on his mission to Ghana (oh the hilarity of the puns that ensued), but we found ourselves having the time of our lives playing in the big city!  After arriving on Friday afternoon - delayed because of a flat tire which landed us in a darling little town in Oregon - and playing wiffle (is that even how you spell it?) ball and barbecuing with the family, we spent all day Saturday in the city.  I had been to Seattle multiple times, but this trip provided some new experiences:

:: a rally - picket signs, megaphones and a large crowd included - against Istanbul (or Turkey? I never did find out) in which we performed a more Turkish version of Everybody's Shufflin (they were going for a more political stance by yelling the name of a communist leader Chapulin - but could care less). we were filmed, even though we yelled comments like, "who are we fighting for again?" and "boycott thanksgiving - no turkey allowed!"  

:: a Ferris Bueller-type adventure in which we tried to get to the top of a skyscraper, but failed after being called "kids." i am NOT a child. i went to the doctor by myself once, ok??

:: making friends on public transportation?? what a thrill - i was pumped to go out and make new buds all over the city!

:: sleeping in a "haunted" house.  

:: clam chowder. that's all. 

And now here is a photo dump on the whole experience: 

we love tanner!!

photo shoots - per usual! 


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