
Saturday night I got together with some friends for little tinfoil dinners (which we have mastered, by the way) and double date action. Us girls sat and chatted on the tree logs while the boys did manly stuff like start fires and carry around big sticks for no particular reason. 

Just kidding. But it was a fun night in which we told scary stories and bonded up at Squaw Peak. Sans kissing.  
i know these pictures are hard to see - just for clarification, i am NOT proposing in the picture on the right.

Yesterday was Jennae's birthday!  And our little Mimi girl made it back just on time for a celebratory dinner at Pizza Pie Cafe to ring in the big 2-1!!!  And even though we didn't get drunk, it was such a fun night. 

Recently, with all this birthday activity going on in our apartment, I've come to realize something. I love celebrating other's birthdays, but when it comes to my own, it's a weird phenomenon. I stopped caring about my birthday after I came to college. And I don’t mean, “OMG, I don’t care but I really do actually. You better give me presents and cake.” No, I legitimately don’t care. It’s whatevs. I just want my parents to give me a Trader Joe’s gift card (or any form of money, really) and to maybe make out with someone at my party (jokes!! kind of).  It sounds depressing but it’s not. It’s actually a relief. But this year, all this birthday commotion has been SO FUN!! I love being with by bestie boos celebrating and having the time of our lives. 

And it was so fun to focus the attention on this little lady and bond with all our friends over how much we love her. 

her fan club (i love these boys)!

the girls of ct 29 are back in business! 
guess who's backkkkk?
sorry we're models. 

highlights of the week[end]


:: "Summer 2010. We went hard." "We don't want to hear that..."

:: Monster's University. Like, OMG. Can I please transfer schools? 

:: People not responding to messages that I know were sent/read.  Please, take a second to write me back so that I can move on with my day, not worrying that you and everybody else in the world hates my parents for having me. 

:: Somebody told me that if you left your eye makeup on at night after cleaning your face, you'd wake up looking beautiful (she says she had to learn all these tricks after getting married because she wanted to look cute in the morning waking up next to her husband). 
I'd say looking like a zombie would have been more accurate. At least in my case. (pictures to follow. maybe). 


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