
it wouldn't be a proper sunday unless my phone got hijacked during sunday school. am i right?? 

Here's the thing about Sundays. 

 I end up sleeping for the majority of the day, which leads to a sluggish, lazy afternoon/evening. Yes, sometimes oversleeping and getting too many zzz's has the same effect as not getting enough – turning you into a tired, unproductive bump on a log.
Choosing between the wide arrays of your favorite movies (or, just, movies in general because let's be honest - The Family Stone is NO ONE'S favorite movie...right?) being shown all over cable/satellite television. Braveheart is on TNT, Kardashians is on E!, Titanic is on FX, Mean Girls is on TBS, Freedom Writers is on MTV, Home Alone is on ABC Family and your fingers are getting an intense workout, flipping between multiple channels. It requires far too much thinking and decision making for a Sunday, but it’s a good problem to have. Have you ever gone from “Four for you Glen Coco!” to “I'll never let go, Jack!"? I have. 

Dealing with the fact that Sunday is your absolute last chance to re-coup (is that a word? do you know what i'm trying to say here? re-coop? that just looks wrong) is such a hard thing.  Like, I want to lay on the living room floor all day yet get everything done before the week starts and also eat a lot but I don't want to feel obese and I want to go on a walk because I'm getting cabin fever but I don't want to go out into civility...please tell me I'm not the only one with these issues.  

If for nothing else, Sunday is good for taking selfies during church or a series of the same basic shot outside while still in nice clothing (cause, like, let's be real - as soon as I get home, I am putting on the comfiest clothes known to man. Except not because I hope no man ever sees my outfits on Sunday afternoons).  

However, today had some major high-points ---

:: pad thai made by papa smith

::major roommate bonding time (aka all of us sleeping in the same room)

::cookie baking, accompanied by learning how to twerk. or trying.

::a spontaneous, harmless prank pulled on jennae and jordan. like, it wasn't our best work, but mimi and i were feeling a little wired up so we...wait for it...turned off the power in the living room.  but none of the surrounding rooms? that was an amateur move. woops. we'll getcha next time!!!

Happy napping!  Here's to many, many more Sundays like today.


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