
the joys of living.

Today I was having some brain problems. Nothing serious. Just some technical difficulties in the frontal lobe of my cerebrum [that's where you do all of your thinking you know]. Do I sound smart now, cause I use big words? Good. Because today, while I was having those brain problems, I was stumped as to what I should post about.  Then I realized, it was because nothing cool had happened to me lately.  At least, nothing that deserved to be shared with cyber world.  Not only did cool things NOT happen to me, the universe decided to play some big joke on me and make my life the most awkward thing, like, ever.  Here's why: 

Trying to tell my classmate something that's really awesome, like what I got on an exam. And I say, "Ohmygosh. Guess what I got?!" And he guesses a number that's infinitely higher than what I actually got. And I have to say, "Um. NO. Guess again, except lower this time." It's very anti-climactic.

This weird Provo wind. And having significantly more Marilyn Monroe moments this week than I would have liked. AKA, significantly more than zero.

The twitch in my left eye that comes around every time I try to curl my eyelashes. Honestly, most of my make-up routine in the morning is taken up by getting that eyeball to just calm down.

Going to the bathroom at the same time as a co-worker. In neighboring stalls.

Walking in a certain direction and then realizing that I actually need to be going the other direction … an awkward moment in and of itself. So what's the only logical reaction for a situation like this? Of course whipping out my cell phone, feigning an urgent text and furrowing my brow so that anyone who's watching me knows there's some kind of explanation for my abrupt 180. You know you do it.

Dropping an extra pair of pants in the middle of the hallway, having them be picked up by a kid from my office, and tossed to me amidst passerbys.  "Um, excuse me, but you dropped these....." You weird chick who is always carrying an extra pair of pants around. Accident prone perhaps? Wetting problem? Yes. All of us are thinking that's a yes.  They were just work out pants, ok?  In case I decided to work out later...

Leaving a message at work for a community partner to call me back … and then giving out my personal number. Or at least half of it. “Uhhh. Scratch that. I mean…” 
I'm really professional.

Answering my cell phone: “Center for Service and Learning. This is Christina.”

Reapplying my chapstick in the middle of the day, only to look down at the tube and discover the remains of my green smoothie. Am I the only one who actually tells people that they have crap on their face?

Someone asking me if I had handmade the sweater I was wearing. I mean, what is that?

So thanks, everyone who played a part in this weeks shenanigans.  Can't wait to see what will happen next week!  Oh, and also, that picture up above...? It has nothing to do with anything.  Other than the fact it's the only photographical evidence that I still exist. 

p.s. Have you heard of the book Bloom?  Mimi read it sometime last year and loved it, so I got it from the library but...you know how those things go.  My three weeks was up and the book hadn't been opened yet.  Woops?  But it's a book about a mama that gives birth to a little Down Syndrome baby and the journey their family went through.  So while I don't super have time to read the book, I found the blog post that preceded the book and I cried as I read it!  Go here to read it, you won't regret it. Also, isn't the mom gorgeous?? I hope I look like that when I'm having little babies.  

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