
checking in

I sat down to write the post this morning, hands posed on the keyboard excited to get to work... and I got nothing. My brain juice has been depleted (it's currently being REpleted with a giant glass of chocolate milk, but we're not gonna push it just yet).

I had quite the late one last night, staying up to finish last minute costume details for the luau, and I’m a little tired.  Perhaps contributing to my lack of anything to write about?  But all this luau business is really making me dream of summer a whole lot.   You know, the season where it’s not weird to go to a park alone and read a book slash people watch slash clear your mind. Slash obtain a minor sunburn.  It needs to be summer already so we can for-go showering because we are constantly in the pool, sans styling our hair cause rolling the windows down will do enough blow drying for us.  It needs to be summer so we can meet up with hot boys at dusk, get ice cream in the middle of the day, wear a swimsuit more often than actual underwear,  and pack all the boots away for good.  I’m just having a love affair with summer right now.  Sorry, winter. 

Anyways, last night was the Bachelor finale.  Jennae and I settled in for all three hours of Sean Lowe and his lovely ladies (I don’t want to offer any spoilers for those of you that missed the episode), complete with leave in conditioner, top buns, yoga pants, and face masks.  Sometimes, it’s just really fun being a single girl.  I really mean it. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay I'm dying.

    First of all I WANT SUMMER NOW.

    Second of all the picture right below this post is all too similar to the picture with the masks. I'm laughing so hard. Apparently I only know how to make one facial expression??
