
i cried so many times.

People. Is this for real? I have forever resented being as young as I am for many reasons, one of the main ones being I was too young to experience this masterpiece in the theatre like the rest of humanity did.  I have since made up for that tragedy by watching this movie time and time again, fast forwarding and rewinding to make sure I didn't miss the full glory of my favorite scenes.  So touching.  Wonder of wonders and miracle of miracles, I will get to sit back in front of the big screen and fall in love with Jack Dawson for what could be the millionth time.  Move out of the way, Rose.  You let go of him, and this is what you get.  April, come sooner please!  
So this is what it comes down to.  I have watched this preview - full screen on a desktop with the lights off - so many times and I still tear up when I hear Celine's powerhouse-voice kick in and hearing that bell and seeing that old couple crying on the bed...my goodness.  Good work, James Cameron. 
You know, every time I go up a grand(-ish) staircase, I try to picture Jack Dawson waiting for me at the top.  Ok, so I'm a romantic.  I get it.  If you can't accept that, then you're not invited to the movie with me.  

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