
on sunshine and short skirts.

Well, everyone on campus is bathing in the sun like lizards on a hot rock.  As I waited outside for a class to start, I could feel the sun beating on the back of my legs and when I touched the back of my head, I was more than pleasantly surprised as I felt it's warmth.  Oh how sweet life is today!  I am truly blessed to be here, right now, enjoying my first-world life as a student at an acclaimed university who's climate has reached one of utmost pleasure.  

This morning, I was able to enjoy this little article from the Daily Universe.  The topic is old, the concept innovative.  I love this new look into the subject, one that seems to suffocate many cultures (occasionally even mine).  

What do you think?  Don't you feel a little liberated after reading it?  Sure, it wasn't giving thumbs up to girls to go ahead and wear shorter skirts, but it sure makes you feel like less of a harlot for not wearing a pilgrim outfit.       

1 comment:

  1. its interesting to be reminded of the fact that the way we dress conveys a message about who we are
