
i've only washed it three times

Yet my hair still smells like I've been living in the wilderness my whole life.  But it was well worth it, because I love bonfires.  There's something so rustic and wonderful about standing around a pit that produces fire just from nature's handiwork (and, occasionally, lighter fluid. lots of lighter fluid).  Aside from girl's camp, I have only good memories of nights standing around a fire - with or without hot cocoa.  Let's start at the beginning.

Back in Colorado, we lived on about 6 acres of land.  Most of this land was pasture land, an open invite for parties, soccer, game after game of croquet, and illegal fires.  One February, when I was just a child in society's eyes (and still am, I'm pretty sure), my brother brilliantly thought to bring home a slew of BYU friends (yes yes yes!).  After a long day of skiing, we revealed our goggle tans and frozen hair around a huge fire in the pasture.  We played many games and performed many strange tribal dances around said fire.  At one point, we re-enacted the Olympics and did laps around the pasture with a torch.  My only regret is that no pictures were taken that night.  You would have seen boys doing splits, some egg-yolk drinking, some silent football, some really hot boys, and one very young me.

Skip a couple years - and couple hundred bonfires in between - ahead.  Sophomore year of high school, my best friend and I discovered that we had broken hearts (sure).  So with the few belongings we had of our respective "ex's" - she had a sweatshirt and a couple pictures, I had a corsage and a string bracelet - we slapped on some lipstick (I have no idea why) and adventured out to the pasture with lotsoflighterfluid.  Again, if only the night had been truly documented.  You would have seen even weirder things.

Two years later.  Days after graduation and days before I left Colorado for good to come to Utah, my friends and I drove up a mountain about an hour and made camp.  Now I'm not a big camper.  My theory is, we live in a day and age where we have air conditioning, beds, and showers that all work and that we, in fact, pay for.  I'm slowly getting over this struggle.  And it's nights like this one that have contributed to my ever-enhancing like for camping.  Love ya, Mother Nature.  So anyways.  This night, more than any, really has stuck with me.  Let me be dramatic for a minute and say it has changed me.  I was with people that really got me to let loose, even amidst the anxiety and anticipation of college life that would begin in only a couple days.  We had a major DP to some summer tunes that upon hearing trigger the memory of that night.  I had some serious talks with people I wish I had gotten closer to and serious laughs with people I shared my entire high school career with.  I shed tears the next morning out of remorse and sorrow and yet also out of excitement for a fresh start.  I also have never been that dirty in my life.  #longestshowerever

One month later I was fully enjoying the Summer of Dreams.  I was a freshman in college, but at that point it would have been hard to consider myself a student.  All I did was play play play.  After a trip to this beauty, I took an excursion up the canyon with some friends.  This night encompasses so many weird things: I remember running from bats, running from cops, riding a couple longboards, stuffing someone's mouth with marshmallows, bonding with people that I have yet to see again, arisen jealousies that somehow put me in the middle of two friends, and a false-alarm sprained ankle.  

the ankle incident.

Over a year later, I found myself at the same location as above, but this time on a date.  I know.  It was deluxe, hilarious, and cold.  Fall was in it's prime, which added to the beauty.  The best part?  I was with my best friends!  I wish all group dates could be like that one.  If they can't be, I would prefer not to go.  Us MR5 girls were treated to a delicious salad, steaks that we cooked ourselves over the open fire, hot chocolate that was prepared the same way, and amusing ice-breaker games.  Although nothing came from the date - and I really don't remember talking to my date very much at all - except great memories, it is one of my favorite memories from sophomore year.  

And that brings us up to date.  THIS night was documented, thank goodness.  I'm telling you, you're missing out on my early years by not being able to visualize those pasture nights.  Alas, we'll all make it through.  

my bests.

said lighter fluid.

white rabbit, anyone?

per usual...dance party.

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