
catching you up to...now.

Hello lovelies!  Let's talk about how much time has gone by since I last posted.  No? Ok I didn't want to anyways.
Well let me show you what I've been up to the past few months:

saw THIS girl (favorite)
spent some time with the louisiana crew and did the scuba thing in florida
started school and met new friends!

roommate sleepovers with...
my marshall 5 ladies :) 

(hello kitty)
(letter to JB)
celebrated halloween with some class (and sometimes, without class. but we won't show those pictures)

welcomed fall (@marshall 5)!

and spent Thanksgiving with this adorable family in san diego.
PLEASE, let my children look like this.

So I may be inheriting my parent's ancient Canon for Christmas (crossing my fingers!) in which case, we can all enjoy many more pictures and posts!  That is, more exciting pictures and posts.  In the mean time, I'm going to continue having just as much fun as I have up to this point and hope you do the same!

Happy Thanksgiving, turkeys! Take your time recovering from your food comas and slip Elf into that DVD player.  We can now officially start listening to our favorite holiday songs (for all those grinches that held off until now, that is.  I know I'm guilty of pre-Christmas spirit) and deck our halls!  If you're near a decent mall, do me a favor and show it some love.  Provo doesn't offer a lot to give love to. 

p.s. I got my ears pierced.  

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