
this just in...

I am obsessed with this boy named Justin Bieber.  Have you heard of him?  I am so thankful to my Mimi for instilling this obsession in me.  If you haven't seen 

see it now.  I'm serious.  Take all your friends and go see it.  You can dance if you want to.  You can invite me along if you want to. 

In other news, my girls and I suffered through a heartbreaking Cougar loss last night.  It was a rough night for all of us.  Because we go to BYU, we had nothing but chocolate to calm our nerves.  I threw back a couple scoops too many.  Wish me luck (er...I guess you could wish the team good luck too) for this next game.  Go Cougs! And Justin Bieber. 

listening to: anything justin bieber has ever recorded

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