
the j-willinghams

After a stressful weekend of packing up and cleaning out good old Chatham Towne 29, a horrendous [hilarious] 30-mile bike race ride, and a couple sad empty nights in my Jennae-less bedroom, Mimi and I said "to hell with this!" and packed up and went to Vegas. 

No, really. We did.  

Because it was cheaper to fly to Dallas out of Vegas than out of Salt Lake. 

Trust us, we know. We spent hours one night calculating all of our options and when it comes down to it, I wanted to save that $200 for other things. 

Like, Sodalicious. And paying off my credit card. 

(also lol at the person that told me I'm good with money this week. just...lol).

Anyyyyways. Texas! This may have been THE funniest most exhausting trip of my life. We landed in Dallas at 7am, so the cute Riding sisters picked us up and shuttled us back to their house to nap. Oh, and sorry to their 18-year old brother that walked into his room and found two strangers in his bed. 

That night, we all went to Jennae's for a BBQ and swimming party!
As bridesmaids, we tried to be all cute by sitting with our feet in the
pool while we ate.  SUPER ADORABLE until you realize you're flashing 
all of Jennae's cousins, aunts, uncles, dogs. So that was cool.  


While we were only in Texas for, like, 2.5 days, we did SO MUCH. We slept in on Friday, then tanned and *gossipped by the Riding's pool.

*did George Washington hair and blew water out of pool noodles.

Thennnn we got invited along with the Texas crew to go to a Ranger's game before we went to the airport!

And I guess we can be baseball fans if it means we get free jerseys

(I actually don't know most of the people in this picture, so...)

It was so good bonding with old friends from my earliest days at BYU! And sending off our little married bby J. It was such a fun and emotional week.  

AND I love Texas. 

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