

You guys, I have a million things to tell you. I feel like we are so behind on one another's lives right now. There's so much gossip and stories and thoughts floating around in my head. But I don't have time to tell you all of it right this second because RESPONSIBILITY (read: Netflix and sleep).  

I'm nearly twenty one, you know? This upcoming Sunday! Get your party pants on + your streamers ready + don't give me too much attention because I thrive on that stuff + before you know it I'll be twirling around singing a nearly unrecognizable version of happy birthday mister president + staring at you reminding you that you created this monster.  

Just kidding? I actually think it will be a pretty relaxing weekend - Cody has lots of fun things planned, the cute boy that he is - (the majority of my friends are not only out of Provo, they are out of the country), which is great becaaaause I have had quite the summer already.  


found the donut truck!

midnight tub sessions


apparently the only pictures i took at the magic kingdom were of treats...hm. 

lots of jenga and lost with this boy. 

provo food truck round up!

bonfires (+ scary stories, c/o yours truly)

i've suddenly become a softball fan. woops?


this lady got engaged WUT. 

ok bye wisdom teeth!

taco tuesday (on tuesdays, we [unintentionally] wear blue).

bzzzzzz! (see? apparently i like sports now). 

the naked and famous with these guys! (or, as my mom would call them, the negative payments)

the darling little babes i nanny.  mom points, eh?

and literally every other second is spent at seven peaks. 

honestly. every second. 

a surgery-induced soda fast resulted in a binge one weekend, where i couldn't go on without a fresh diet coke.  I'M WEAK SO WUT. 

breakfast struggles on a friday morning. 

aaaaand just girly things like...


and, to bring us up to date, i started this book last night and finished it a few hours ago. i have to keep up with the kids these days, ya know? 


1 comment:

  1. awefjapwefjpoaiwjfpoa i have so many comments about this post! texting you now okay bye
