
i hate being stuck inside my own brain.

lunch with pam and chris (photocred: chris). awkard claw hand! i see it too! i was going for an intimate gesture? trying to scare people? idk? cringe.

because my life has been rather un-eventful as of late, i figured why not put up a few pictures?? and hey, my brain juice is not on it's A game today but why not let people know my thoughts as i sit at my desk drooling over the rainy weather outside? so here we go. 

April 2nd, 2014, live feed of C's thoughts:

:: does anyone know of a diet where you can eat whatever you want without consequences? it's an emergency.
:: does sodalicious deliver?
:: i can't tweet about my need for caffeine/pizza. then people will think i am only ever thinking about food.
:: i am only ever thinking about food.
:: when people walk in here wearing transition glasses i really can't help but laugh. but i'm justified in my laughing because 12 year old christina had transition lenses so go easy on those of us that have struggles. 
:: it's the end of the semester! and i am feeling so on top of things!
:: hahaha. i couldn't even say that last thing with a straight face.
:: i think my boobs are getting bigger!
:: april fools? (does it count even though it's april 2nd?)
:: now i'm that girl that talks about boobs on her blog. WUT i'm done.
:: what is the point of this blog post so far?

(now that i'm finished writing down my thoughts and giving them all the once over i can assure you, it only could get worse from here. this brain juice is really letting me down today, i tell ya! trust me people, i'm sick of me too.)

ok well in other news, our first championship game is this friday night and i am excited about it as this picture clearly demonstrates. 

oh and p.s. happy april fool's mimi.
and in case anyone is actually in need of these things, no judgment! tip for you: they're only 88 cents at wal-mart right now so hurry your little itchy cooch over there!


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