
back to s[cool].

The week before school started was super strange. 

For starters, Mimi and I didn't live together anymore so we actually had to make plans to see each other. What is life!

Next, I did lots of firsts this week:

:: enjoyed Tucano's (Nate and Valeria came to town, yay! so of course we had to treat them to Provo's finest endless meat party(

:: went wake-boarding. AND I'M OBSESSED. 

:: went to a UVU party. never again. so many weird vibes. ok that's dramatic. but no, it wasn't my favorite thing to see multiple guys make out.  with other guys. no judgments, all god's children! but just...no. 

:: ok maybe that was it? i can't remember anything else. 

Then after picking up our newly-married J's from the airport, Mimi and I had a reunion of sorts with some of my favorite people. 

Also, remember how my mom works on campus now? lol.  I feel like I'm back in high school (except not cause I weigh more now and I didn't have to do homework in high school, so it's completely different actually).

Lastly, the saddest thing about school starting was having to ween myself off these kiddos. So, like, when can I be a mom?

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