
the thing is, he didn't know i took this picture. is that some sort of infringement of privacy? seeing as how we don't really know each other? woops. well here's my coach for ya. 


You guys who even KNEW intramural sports could be so cool? Our first practice went swimmingly. We created plays named after Disney princesses (DUH we're females) and made plans for team bonding the night before our first game: Remember the Titans complete with carb-loading. I got so into flag-football mentality that I even vaguely remember asking Coach C when two-a-days would start and when we could hit the gym for weight training...? Yeah I don't know either. I guess my first order of business is to try to figure out how to not look special needs as I block people with my arms behind my back, per intramural regulations. It is actually the most ridiculous looking thing, I realize.

Next order of business: what happened after my first flag-football practice (notice how I am now using that as a frame of reference? it's obviously playing a big role in my life).

My friend T was coming over to watch a movie an hour after practice (giving me just enough time to shower and make brownies for the next day at work - this really is not significant to the story at all I just really wanted you guys to know I'm good at showering and being domestic all in under an hour, I suppose). T and I go way back. To June. When I went to Washington, remember that?? And throughout the summer, we have seen each other every couple weeks. For the short amount of times we've been friends, we've had quite the adventures!  

Here's the thing about T. He's so good looking! And funny! And just darling! But for whatever reason, other than the time we held hands as we ran through a field trying not to get shot by a farmer, our relationship has been simply platonic. And I've been fine with that. The thought to be interested in him has never even crossed my mind? So when we made plans to watch A Walk to Remember, I was preparing for a friendy-friend night in which we talked about our respective dating lives! Complained about bad dates! Chatted about school! You know. The usual friend night. 

In which we cuddled. And kissed. 


We kissed!  It took me completely by surprise! And let me tell you. It was fun. I'm not mad it happened. I guess I'm a little confused - cause now we're not talking? And it's awkward? And I really didn't even know a kiss was in the agenda? At least prep me for these things.

Anyways. Here's my weekend in pics:

I got paid - yes, paid!! - to go to an overnight retreat for work (i did it last semester too, remember?) at this beautiful lodge in the woods. and while i spent most of my time in the kitchen cutting up fruit, smiling at people who really had no idea who i was, and washing dishes, it was EXHAUSTING.  but i spent it with my lady jess laughing, hugging, and talking about the birds and the bees. you know, normal stuff. 

saturday night, mimi and i had no plans. so we got dolled up and went to the riverwoods, and - just so people were under the impression that we had cool plans - prepped our roommates to tell everyone "we were on dates." which we were. with each other. we strolled around chalk the block, ate at malawi's, did a little shopping, and were ready to settle in for a night with a movie. then all the sudden, EVERYONE WE KNEW WAS INVITING US TO A BONFIRE. and i really mean everyone. which makes sense, because i think everyone i've ever met, seen, heard of, breathed near, or that exists in this world was there.  it was a good time, complete with reunions with boys from freshman year, and bonding with our girl emilee over (un?)sabbath habits and peeing in the woods. 

 my sabbath correspondence.  did you know there is NOT a stop sign emoji? we're pretty mad about it. 

also, i love those boys. i'm so so glad all of our people are coming home from their little mission trips and are spending time with us (on an unrelated note, as i'm writing this, gangsta's paradise just started playing so LOLOLOL).  i really can't think of better boys to be around - always so kind, respectful, and worthy. oh and also fun and good looking and just generally a good time.  at the bonfire the other night, jeff saw mimi and i talking to a [cute] boy so he came over and said "let me recommend these girls to you..." and began telling this boy all the things about us he loved. it was so so sincere i wanted to cry. i felt so awesome after he talked me up, i felt like i could go out and catch another dude. and by another dude, i obviously mean ONE dude. i don't really have one to begin with so...




    You seriously kill me.

    So grateful that you have a blog and that I can read it at work.

  2. i second EVERYTHING jennae said. she took the words out of my mouth. hahahahahahahha. just giggling at work
