
feeling 22 + lil nuggetz + the black plague

Meemz turned 22! RIGHT. Commence Taylor Swift...on repeat. Please. 

Here's to the girl that I can happily quote movies with, cuddle with (sans pants, sometimes SORRY), watch hours on hours of Grey's Anatomy with, my ever faithful live-in comedian, my hand-holder when no one else is there to fill the position, my nurse, and the coolest girl I know.  You have now officially been allowed to drink for one full year! YOU GO GLEN COCO. 

Whatever than means.   

yes we model. 

my two favorite girls! well three...except i don't remember her name on the far right? but she was nice! so we're friends!

(almost) all the gents that brought Mimi roses throughout the day! 

Flag football pictures CAUSE YOU ASKED. 

I mean, you didn't, but you should have. Seriously it was so fun to be out there on the field. Looking like idiots that had straight jackets on (remember, hands behind backs when blocking!) will definitely be a highlight of this semester. 

At half time, we were down 14-0, and our coach said, "Ok girls. You look great out there. Now I just want one thing before we leave here tonight...score a touchdown!" And this is where a montage rolls through my head of Hollywood wanting to make a really inspirational video of our flag football team of us as the underdogs and we come up from behind and take the win and in the end we're all best friends despite our differences and everyone cries! Ok so maybe all we get is an Intramural Champ! shirt. And that's almost as good. 

What was I saying again? Oh yeah, touchdown! We got one! After trying SO HARD. It was after our fourth down (right?? I know what that means now!) and it was our last chance, so when that ball was caught in the endzone, I had kind of a freak out moment where I screamed and had to hold back tears so as not to show my team just how emotional I really am. 


Anyways. We still lost, but in my mind, we were winners. Are you crying yet?

Lil Nuggetz team photo! 

Then I got a cold. 

Not sure if you quite understood the impact of that statement, because it sounds all tranquil and not-a-big-deal-y.  But this cold was handmade by Satan.  It was crafted to make me feel like the worst human being on the planet.  All day Friday I kept my activities to a minimum and laid on the couch in hopes of feeling at least ok by the time my date rolled around at 6:30.  And while the date was so fun (Costa Vida and a dance performance? Nailed it, date! Way to go *fist pump* !), I felt like I had caught cancer by the time I got home. 

Not to mention, in retrospect, I realize that I sent my date home with the black plague. So there's that. 

Last but not least, have I mentioned just how funny texting can be amongst the girls of CT 29? It can get pretty hilar. Like, sometimes during a textual conversation with Jennae, instead of saying, 

"the concert got shut down"
(correct way)

I say...

"the concert got shit down"

Way to go, ChrissyJo.

So I leave you with some parting gifts:


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