
carabba's is NOT my favorite restaurant + pictures for viewing pleasure!

Recently I remembered a really hilarious thing that happened.  

Earlier this week, A and I were chatting via text (aka texting) and I brought up something I have been waiting MONTHS to tell him.  A few of his friends knew the story and my roommates and I, of course, were big fans of retelling and rehashing it, but A was left out.  Which is really quite a bummer because he is the leading character in the story.  Remember my birthday? Well I left one thing out of that post, just out of respect for those involved (mainly A, who right after this evening called it quits with me).  So. 

A picked me up for the evening, and all I knew was that we were going out to dinner. We were cruising to John Legend as we made our way up the hill to Orem, and I was so endeared by him right then because he kept saying things like "I'm excited, you've talked about this restaurant before," and "I think you told me one time that this is where your family always goes for birthdays?" and "You'll have to tell me what to get there because I've never been!"Swoon.  In my mind, I was thinking to myself That's so cute that he remembers me telling him that cause I don't ever remember telling him that my family always goes to PF Chang's for birthdays...

But of course! It's A! We have known each other for months, I'm sure it just came out one time and he being the sweet boy that he is, he remembers!   

So we pull into the University Mall parking lot and I'm getting so excited because THE BOY I'M DATING IS SURPRISING ME BY TAKING ME TO MY FAVORITE RESTAURANT AND THIS IS THE SWEETEST THING EVER.  

But then he parks. Really far away from PF Chang's. Like, on the other side of the parking lot. And I'm confused because...why? 

He opens my car door and has a big smile on his face and we start walking. Towards Carabba's.  And I freak out a little.

I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO CARABBA'S.  What kind of food do they even serve there? Oh no. I TOTALLY reinforced his idea on the drive up here. For sure I remember saying "I am so excited! I love this restaurant! I already know what I want to order!" 

I desperately didn't want to tear down his pride by telling him "Oh this is definitely not the place I thought you were talking about, I've never actually been to Carabba's." So I kept my mouth shut. 

He was so proud! He ran into a couple he knew so we chatted with them a bit, and he said "It's her birthday! So I'm taking her to her favorite restaurant!" And when the waitress came over to us and said, "Welcome! Is this both your first time?" I had to LIE and say "No no, this is my favorite restaurant!" and leave out the part where I ask what they served there.  

At one point, I even made a meal suggestion to him, just to really sell my lie. I pointed something out to him on the menu and he ordered it BECAUSE I RECOMMENDED IT.  And I officially became the best worst person ever.  And at the time, I told myself that in a couple days, I would tell him and we would laugh and share a sweet kiss and all would be better, and we would have a really funny memory.  But we all know what happened just days after this, so....

Last week, I finally felt like I had let enough time go by and I brought it up.  Here is the aftermath:

Sidenote: Carabba's is good. PF Chang's is still my favorite. thx fr th mmrs, A. 

And now, pictures from the week:

Mimi, my #1 supporter at the Lil Nuggetz games.  WE WON WE WON WE WON! 

we decided to finallllly support our school and go to a football game for the first time this season.  it was way too fun! complete with our fight song choreography. 

the relief society broadcast was  AMAZING. truly, it was.  

then, i came down from my spiritual high after the broadcast and was taken to the Strangling Brothers Haunted Circus. 

i cried.

And then there is this little treasure.  I found it last night on my phone, but it was actually taken last week. So thanks Mimi and Big D. Thanks. 

Also, I just realized something.  Some girl out there must have told A that her favorite restaurant is Carabba's and that here family always goes there for birthdays.  Sorry I took all your glory, girlfriend. Also, you should try PF Chang's sometime!


feeling 22 + lil nuggetz + the black plague

Meemz turned 22! RIGHT. Commence Taylor Swift...on repeat. Please. 

Here's to the girl that I can happily quote movies with, cuddle with (sans pants, sometimes SORRY), watch hours on hours of Grey's Anatomy with, my ever faithful live-in comedian, my hand-holder when no one else is there to fill the position, my nurse, and the coolest girl I know.  You have now officially been allowed to drink for one full year! YOU GO GLEN COCO. 

Whatever than means.   

yes we model. 

my two favorite girls! well three...except i don't remember her name on the far right? but she was nice! so we're friends!

(almost) all the gents that brought Mimi roses throughout the day! 

Flag football pictures CAUSE YOU ASKED. 

I mean, you didn't, but you should have. Seriously it was so fun to be out there on the field. Looking like idiots that had straight jackets on (remember, hands behind backs when blocking!) will definitely be a highlight of this semester. 

At half time, we were down 14-0, and our coach said, "Ok girls. You look great out there. Now I just want one thing before we leave here tonight...score a touchdown!" And this is where a montage rolls through my head of Hollywood wanting to make a really inspirational video of our flag football team of us as the underdogs and we come up from behind and take the win and in the end we're all best friends despite our differences and everyone cries! Ok so maybe all we get is an Intramural Champ! shirt. And that's almost as good. 

What was I saying again? Oh yeah, touchdown! We got one! After trying SO HARD. It was after our fourth down (right?? I know what that means now!) and it was our last chance, so when that ball was caught in the endzone, I had kind of a freak out moment where I screamed and had to hold back tears so as not to show my team just how emotional I really am. 


Anyways. We still lost, but in my mind, we were winners. Are you crying yet?

Lil Nuggetz team photo! 

Then I got a cold. 

Not sure if you quite understood the impact of that statement, because it sounds all tranquil and not-a-big-deal-y.  But this cold was handmade by Satan.  It was crafted to make me feel like the worst human being on the planet.  All day Friday I kept my activities to a minimum and laid on the couch in hopes of feeling at least ok by the time my date rolled around at 6:30.  And while the date was so fun (Costa Vida and a dance performance? Nailed it, date! Way to go *fist pump* !), I felt like I had caught cancer by the time I got home. 

Not to mention, in retrospect, I realize that I sent my date home with the black plague. So there's that. 

Last but not least, have I mentioned just how funny texting can be amongst the girls of CT 29? It can get pretty hilar. Like, sometimes during a textual conversation with Jennae, instead of saying, 

"the concert got shut down"
(correct way)

I say...

"the concert got shit down"

Way to go, ChrissyJo.

So I leave you with some parting gifts:



Have you ever thought to yourself, I am a PEASANT.  If this were the effing middle ages, I would totally be that girl cleaning the lord's table after a giant feast or whatever.  Then at the end of the feast I'd sneak table scraps to my poor family full of crippled children that wore rags.  I mean, probably.  And these are my collected thoughts/epiphanies/general struggles of being a poor, lowly college student that just equated her life to that of a middle age peasant.  That most likely had leprosy or something.

This all stemmed from a conversation I had last night with Mimi.  In which we tried to estimate how much we would get by selling our eggs. You know, like our unborn children kind of eggs.  And then I realized that we were actually having that conversation.  This wasn't selling clothes to Plato's or donating plasma. This was actually contemplating going to a doctor's office, putting our legs up in stirrups, and risking the chance of running into our egg (er, child) on the street one day. That's when I realized. When selling my unborn children becomes an option, I am poor. 

You get a couple grand each time you donate, by the way.

Other manifestations of my lowly financial state:

++ Target has become this scary place that I'm literally afraid to shop at because I'm just not certain I can control my spending habits there. Not to mention that the last time I went shopping there, not only did I buy unnecessary toiletries (all these fancy face washes and mascaras will just NEVER bore me), but I was fully equipped with a giant cookie, popcorn, and a diet coke. I know. Exciting. 


++ But then I DO inevitably fall victim to Target's mystifying ways anyways, spending entirely too much time and money there.  It feels like being swindled, and you'd like to speak to a police investigator who will ask you emphatically to point out where on the debit card it was that Target violated you.  Right here, detective, they made me swipe it right here, all the way across. They taunted me, asking questions like "Cash Back?" 

++ The realization that I'm essentially paying thousands of dollars to end up with a piece of paper and maybe a job that pays off my debt. Maybe. I don't think anything else needs to be said about this. 

 ++ I channel my inner Rain Man, having my mind serve as a super efficient calculator that keeps track of everything spent, as I inch closer to the horrifying overdraft zone. Okay, I got a raspberry vanilla sprite from sonic – that’s $3 plus a tip. The burger last night was $5 and fries are $2… Despite tax or tips, I should be covered by the $17.32 in my bank account… I have $17.32 to my name, why am I even eating out right now?
++ I actually have a prepackaged excuse prepared in the event that my debit card is declined. Oh, my bank sent me a new debit card and I forgot to activate it, so… yeah, I’m just going to leave these groceries here and go sort that out…

Anyways. I could go on. But you all get the point. Being poor sucks. Yet I'm making the most of it? Maybe? 



the thing is, he didn't know i took this picture. is that some sort of infringement of privacy? seeing as how we don't really know each other? woops. well here's my coach for ya. 


You guys who even KNEW intramural sports could be so cool? Our first practice went swimmingly. We created plays named after Disney princesses (DUH we're females) and made plans for team bonding the night before our first game: Remember the Titans complete with carb-loading. I got so into flag-football mentality that I even vaguely remember asking Coach C when two-a-days would start and when we could hit the gym for weight training...? Yeah I don't know either. I guess my first order of business is to try to figure out how to not look special needs as I block people with my arms behind my back, per intramural regulations. It is actually the most ridiculous looking thing, I realize.

Next order of business: what happened after my first flag-football practice (notice how I am now using that as a frame of reference? it's obviously playing a big role in my life).

My friend T was coming over to watch a movie an hour after practice (giving me just enough time to shower and make brownies for the next day at work - this really is not significant to the story at all I just really wanted you guys to know I'm good at showering and being domestic all in under an hour, I suppose). T and I go way back. To June. When I went to Washington, remember that?? And throughout the summer, we have seen each other every couple weeks. For the short amount of times we've been friends, we've had quite the adventures!  

Here's the thing about T. He's so good looking! And funny! And just darling! But for whatever reason, other than the time we held hands as we ran through a field trying not to get shot by a farmer, our relationship has been simply platonic. And I've been fine with that. The thought to be interested in him has never even crossed my mind? So when we made plans to watch A Walk to Remember, I was preparing for a friendy-friend night in which we talked about our respective dating lives! Complained about bad dates! Chatted about school! You know. The usual friend night. 

In which we cuddled. And kissed. 


We kissed!  It took me completely by surprise! And let me tell you. It was fun. I'm not mad it happened. I guess I'm a little confused - cause now we're not talking? And it's awkward? And I really didn't even know a kiss was in the agenda? At least prep me for these things.

Anyways. Here's my weekend in pics:

I got paid - yes, paid!! - to go to an overnight retreat for work (i did it last semester too, remember?) at this beautiful lodge in the woods. and while i spent most of my time in the kitchen cutting up fruit, smiling at people who really had no idea who i was, and washing dishes, it was EXHAUSTING.  but i spent it with my lady jess laughing, hugging, and talking about the birds and the bees. you know, normal stuff. 

saturday night, mimi and i had no plans. so we got dolled up and went to the riverwoods, and - just so people were under the impression that we had cool plans - prepped our roommates to tell everyone "we were on dates." which we were. with each other. we strolled around chalk the block, ate at malawi's, did a little shopping, and were ready to settle in for a night with a movie. then all the sudden, EVERYONE WE KNEW WAS INVITING US TO A BONFIRE. and i really mean everyone. which makes sense, because i think everyone i've ever met, seen, heard of, breathed near, or that exists in this world was there.  it was a good time, complete with reunions with boys from freshman year, and bonding with our girl emilee over (un?)sabbath habits and peeing in the woods. 

 my sabbath correspondence.  did you know there is NOT a stop sign emoji? we're pretty mad about it. 

also, i love those boys. i'm so so glad all of our people are coming home from their little mission trips and are spending time with us (on an unrelated note, as i'm writing this, gangsta's paradise just started playing so LOLOLOL).  i really can't think of better boys to be around - always so kind, respectful, and worthy. oh and also fun and good looking and just generally a good time.  at the bonfire the other night, jeff saw mimi and i talking to a [cute] boy so he came over and said "let me recommend these girls to you..." and began telling this boy all the things about us he loved. it was so so sincere i wanted to cry. i felt so awesome after he talked me up, i felt like i could go out and catch another dude. and by another dude, i obviously mean ONE dude. i don't really have one to begin with so...



monday on a wednesday, and a horrible confession.

at hayley steele's open house! #eternalplusone
Today I feel like I am the literal manifestation of Monday.  My eyes are crusty, my hair is doing such weird things, and my intestines are still mad at me for the amounts of taffy and pizza I had yesterday.  Also I have a mad hankering for a long nap, a bowl of popcorn, and three continuous hours of How I Met Your Mother or Grey's Anatomy.  

Also, I think I have been stealing from a food drive that is happening at my work? Like, I feel terrible but there was no sign and it was right next to the "lost and found stuff no one has claimed so please take this dusty old glove or yellowing sock" box. So I just thought that someone had some unwanted cans of food and thought to themselves, "Hey! I'll lug all of these into work to share!"  It really makes no sense, I know.  Perhaps it was just my severe case of the munchies that blinded me from the fact that it is a food drive.  For the needy. Because I work in a service office.  But hey! I'm making Cream of Chicken crockpot chicken tonight so you're all invited! Maybe I should invite some homeless over to make up for it...? 

But lately, work has been the greatest because Jamie Taylor comes in every morning, ready to give me a hug and hand me my Jamba Juice (don't worry, it's just water - I don't require the special needs boy to buy me a smoothie every day just for the heck of it).  And this weekend I'm going away on the work retreat I went on last semester, so pictures to follow! Maybe. The more I think about it, the weirder it would be for me to take pictures at this retreat, because I am really only there to cut fruit and set up chairs while everyone else bonds and becomes best friends...."hey GUYS! yeah let me just jump in this picture with you really quick...ok now all of you pretend you're laughing and i'll take a couple pictures! by the way i'm christina, i am the one that will be serving you dinner in a couple minutes." 


So no to pictures.  

BUT tonight is our first practice for flag football. So there will definitely be pictures to follow for this one folks. 

the two of us. playing flag football. you guys, it's just gonna be a good year.

education major problems.


back to school

 School has begun! What does that mean?

It means resigning yourself to the idea that unless you find a somewhat reasonable online location to buy textbooks, buying books from the bookstore is the financial equivalent of having your kneecaps broken by the mafia.  Never again should I have to degrade myself at the altar of higher learning and choose between a "new" book at $373.50 and a "used" book at $365.27.  Just no.

It means that I need to make a list of everything I didn't do so well last year, and make a conscious effort to improve on them this year.  Even if the goals are as small as "don't drink milk or crumbly foods directly over the keyboard", every little bit helps.  (p.s. I am notorious - as I'm sure every person in the world is - for NOT holding true to New Year's Resolutions and the like. With that being said, I always set new years resolutions that I know I can complete so that I'll feel good about myself. 'Don't kill anyone' and 'no tattoos', and 'don't get a boyfriend' were a part of last years'.)

But really, I am so excited for this year and all I am hoping to accomplish.  Wish the ladies of CT 29 luck!