
the walking dead + other mainstream habits

I am very impressionable.  I'm an avid blog reader, YouTuber, people watcher, and tend to pick up whatever it is that society is doing that I deem cool (note: what I deem cool, not what is actually cool - there's really a huge difference between the two, and if you know me, you know that's true).

I believe strongly that in a few years, my generation will be referred to as the Hipster generation.  Based on the assumption that blogger will still be a thing and my kids will be semi-interested in my life, let me delve into this.  h i p s t e r is not an easy word to define.  Irony sets in really fast when you have a person that tries their hardest to veer from whatever is mainstream, and that attracts certain other peoples (aka my entire university) to that anti-maintsream lifestyle.  Does that not make whatever trend they're trying to test on society the very definition of mainstream? So to those of you that sport your Ray Bans while cruising on your bike with skinny tires, simultaneously instagramming your life for all one million followers you have, keep it up!  Just please accept and love me even when I'm wearing an outfit that is 100% NOT thrifted. And while all the Neff beanies and oxfords look great on you, I will continue to shop at Target and dream of having as much money as you must have to support your homeless-chic look (this is starting to sound like I'm hating on hipsters. I'm not, I promise.  I just don't know how to be one). So here are some reasons as to why I am okay with not living my life as a hipster:

i enjoy shopping at popular franchises.
While I love thrift stores (see last post) and am found frequenting DI when in need of a costume (hipsters are collectively gasping at that statement), I can't successfully t h r i f t  s h o p.  I am too hooked on ease - you know, ordering something from Amazon or running to Gap for a sweater.  Can I redeem myself by assuring you that I occasionally shop at Urban Outfitters and drool over Anthro? I really applaud those people that come away from those shops having hit jackpot, but I will probably do so wearing a sweater from Forever 21 and TOMS, and I hope we can still be friends and hold hands.

i like to watch whatever is popular.
Sure, this absolutely makes me a follower and let's not focus on how much time I actually spend on hulu.com, because THAT'S NOT THE POINT.  The point is, this weekend, I had finally had enough just hearing about The Walking Dead...I had to see for myself what all this hype was about.  I know I'm only 3 seasons behind, but gosh dang it IT WAS WORTH IT because EVERYONE IS WATCHING IT so there.  I will go see anything Nicholas Sparks, I've seen all the Twilight's, and Sundance sounds more of a hassle and an event made for instagram rather than an enjoyable cultural experience.

i am actually blind. 
It would be illegal for me to drive without contacts.  And yes, I prefer contacts to glasses because they're easy and I am an actual clinically blind disaster without them.  Glasses have a time and place - at night, and when I'm sick.  Or when I'm out of contacts.  Let me set the record straight that I have often thought that guys look better with glasses, and it's 100 times more attractive when they are wearing them for actual use and not as a fashion statement.  But I do not own Ray Ban's or any sort of vintage glasses, especially not just for fashion's sake.

i don't really want to bike all over God's green earth.  
I own a bike - a very old (1 hipster point) mountain bike (bajillion negative hipster points) that I used a few times last summer.  I'm all for getting rides to and from...everywhere.  I like convenience and not sweating through my clothes in the summer or, even worse, experiencing that weird moment where it's freezing outside and the sweat your body is stupidly producing is freezing you to death. What...why would I ride a bike?  Maybe I am an environmental criminal, but I see zero point in riding a bike unless it's for a short cruise around the park. Preferably with a boy. And a picnic basket. That he's carrying. And trying to lock those things up? Literally takes me 28 minutes.  It takes 2 seconds to lock my car.  End of discussion.

Knowing all this about me, I really hope you can still respect my lifestyle.  And if any of you hipsters feel like taking a vacation, come see me. We can go to McDonald's in our sweats and come back to watch the Kardashian's on my TV, and I promise to keep you off Instagram for the evening. And now I have mentioned the Kardashians twice in the past...three blog posts.  That says more about my lifestyle than any of the above comments.

Moving on, here are some pictures that may or may not make your day:

double date to salt lake on the front runner! we gave valentine's to the homeless in pioneer park/downtown slc.  one woman - kylina - gave us sex tips for our first night as lovers.  it was our second date.  

some basic snapchat artwork on valentine's day. 

cubby's (favorite)!

mafia at the boy's.  

we bonded a lot. thnks for the mmries, bleu. 

tortilla bar! ok, so i eat a lot. 

one too many selfies in the library.
have a safe weekend!

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