
it's about time.

This week it all caught up to me: the sicknesses I just can't seem to get over (I trusted you, 24-hour Sudafed), the money I have wasted on said sickness by indulging in too many Cold Busters from Jamba (I stick by the fact that Jamba IS, in fact, healthy...even though the drinks contain more sugar than the sodas I swore off?), the upcoming week of neverending assignments in classes I have not [mentally] attended for a while now, my seemingly neverending pile of laundry which contributes to my desperately bare closet.
The stars have not seemed to be in line this semester.  Then, last night as I was constructing a blog post by sifting through pictures of the year thus far, I realized that I had an overwhelming amount of things to be grateful for!  Like, snap out of it, Tina.

I have an absurd amount of love for my job.  The people, the work I do, the money...?  That last one is a definite win.  At the beginning of the semester, I was asked to go to a weekend retreat with all the student leaders and a few co-workers, and it was way too much fun! 

I have some of the raddest friends in Utah County.  We've been told that we are too supportive of each other (is that even a real thing??), but really, all we do is always strive to be nice people that others want to be around. If that sounds lame to you, then...sorry. You're not invited to watch our TV show (but really, why aren't we filmed every second of every day?)

My kick-a fam, that is moving to Provo! Back in December, my dad got a job here in Provo and it's just been grand (I debated on whether to tell you about how my dad picks me up sometimes in the morning to drive me to work, but then decided you would maybe, definitely judge me. But I told you anyways? So there's that. I'm a college co-ed that still gets dropped off by her father.)

The really great guy that I have gone out with a few times this semester. Who knows what will come of it (but really, what will come of it? I’m dying to know, too), but I am just going to take things a day at a time.  Or, as our girl Kimmy K would say, Let go, and let God. Wisdom comes from the most mysterious places sometimes (I really recommend E! Network for infinite words of advice). 

So. With all that said, enjoy these Top Pictures of 2013, according to Chrissy:
first sunday - matching was unintentional
my jeffrey boy came home!
daddy dates = free meal (and good bonding, obvi)
what i spend a good portion of a friday night doing...
wash hut is surprisingly more fun than you'd think!
when all my roommates leave me, i indulge in some Cubby's (recommend!) and throw a pity party on the floor. are you getting sick of me yet?
the ice rink that took over the flatland of Provo definitely didn't contribute to a good fashion day
this lil lady and i just doing our thang (you would be happy too if you had matching pajamas and had taken your bra off)
MexSal roomie bonding!

post-date debriefing at Sammy's!
the twins went thrift shopping!

popping tags...

dating fireside > superbowl. although i was a little disappointed in how many dates we weren't asked on afterwards (aka, zero)
the night we were positive we were going to find our husbands at the creamery, so we got cute. then all we saw were freshman. girls. so that didn't work.
don't worry. i didn't actually send it.  i didn't even write it.

   So there you have it. 


p.s. If you, or anyone you know, are a videographer in any way, please contact me. We think we are really funny and are pretty interested in joining our sisters the Kardashians up on the big screen. We're sick of our hilarity being confined to videos on photobooth. 

1 comment:

  1. Can't stop laughing at that text picture. Love your post and glad you are back to blogging.
