

Last week, I was the most productive I have ever remembered myself being (which is sad considering that most students are THAT DEDICATED all the time, but that's totally beside the point).  I was in the library every night last week, and squeezing in studying and assignments whenever I could. I took three midterms and pretty much experienced elation with each and every score that came in. It was just a good week and everyone should take a moment of silence to honor it.  Because we all know it will most likely NOT occur again anytime soon.

Saturday morning, after the 6-10am luau practice (you guys please please p l e a s e come to the byu luau. it will be the most enjoyable experience you've ever had.  women put oil all over their bodies and dance while audience members walk up on stage and stick money to their bodies.  i DID say this was the luau and not a gentleman's club, right?), I hurried home for a bowl of cereal and a couple strokes of deodorant before heading back up to campus with Mimi to study and take an exam.  You caught the part that this was a Saturday, right? Maybe this is nothing to be shocked over.  Maybe to those of you reading this, that's just a normal Saturday.  If that's the case, good for you. And I'm really sorry about that.

As I was walking out of the testing center, I had this really weird feeling.  The i can do anything i want and my parents can't get mad at me cause i'm on the road to straight a's and i just spent an entire saturday on campus.  Really though.  Justification at it's finest, folks.  If someone were to have even slightly hinted at a road trip, I would have been packed and ready to go in seconds.  Productivity really reaps some fine results, I'm learning!  Maybe I should spend more time in the library.  So here's a thumbs up to you, Christina.  You're nearing 3 years as a student and finally grasping some pretty vital concepts.  

Overall it was a really great weekend (obvi).  Friday night was a relaxing one.  Jennae and I went to the dollar theatre to see Breaking Dawn (which we LOVE so haters back off).  **sidenote: I am such a hypocrite at movie theatres.  And I don't even care.  But Jennae and I (ok mostly I) were cheering, laughing, crying, rolling our eyes, fist pumping, high five-ing, hugging, dancing (I'll leave it up to you to decide which of those things we actually did inside that theatre) at every twist and turn in the movie.  But the second someone three rows up turned to whisper something to their neighbor, my blood started boiling.  Like, come on people, you can talk all you want after the movie.  Please don't ruin this experience for the rest of us.  Ok done **

Saturday night, we went to the ice arena for a Stake activity and it was so much fun.  After only a few minutes on the ice, we got over it and decided we were meant for bigger and better things.  Actually, the ice hadn't been cleaned in at least 72 days, and I'm pretty sure there were less people at Woodstock than were on the rink, so, yeah...bigger and better things.  We headed upstairs to make our debut at the dance party.  Now, J and M are both dancers.  They grew up dancing. It's so natural to them.  After a year of ballet and 2 years of gymnastics, I was well aware of my lack in the dance arena.  But I really love dancing.  Especially when we have our own corner at dance parties and we could care less who sees us doing what.  Cause we're really fun[ny].  It was just a fun night full of laughter and line dancing and slow grinds and unexpected visitors. 

mini freshman year reunion (families are forever)

Sunday was really great.  When my roommates and I first moved into our ward, I was not convinced we belonged.  But these past few months, after any ward social/function, we can't all help but talk about how much we love our ward!  You guys! We have friends! That think we're funny! And like to be around us!  This is great!  I had this super overwhelming feeling of happiness as I was sitting in Relief Society and saw so many smiling faces.  And realized just how much I loved these people.  That afternoon, I got picked up by A and his posse of boys and their dates to go up to an Oscar's party his brother was throwing as some fancy cabin.  That we thought was in Heber.  Only after we arrived in Heber did we realize it was an hour in the opposite direction.  Woops? Nothing like a mini road trip to really bond a group together.  Amidst complaints from the trunk and tinder horror stories, we somehow made it to our party and had a really great time.  Things just can't go wrong when you have the opportunity to get dressed up and go out with a boy and bond with some really great people over Jennifer Lawrence eating it and Seth McFarlane being the literal worst host ever.  If you're going to be completely filthy, at least make me laugh. Don't be filthy just for filthy's sake.  Better luck next time, Stewie Griffin.


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