
words: i [usually] never run out of them.

there are simply too many things i want to talk about and yet my brain juice is at an all time low right now.

//my partner for practicum just texted me and said 'hey, i totally forgot to tell you, you're taking my reading groups tomorrow. but it's super fun! my groups are really funny, they'll make you laugh." me and my eye bags, we're all just laughing our heads off over here. but. my belly is full of chicken tikki masala + pazookies and i get kissed goodnight every night by A. so, WHO IN THE WORLD CARES. 

//here's the thing about waking up early. no. 

//i've spent the majority of my nights the last couple weeks in the library pretending to have lots to do but really using it as an excuse to hang out with A. cuz he lives there, didn't you hear? it works out great for both of us - every five minutes when i think of 174 more things to say to him i get to rip his earplugs out until all my words are gone, and he gets to study in between those times. 

+pam bought me a new lip stain earlier this week so i debuted it at the library tonight. yeah. we'll just chalk these photos up to vanity. 

ok no. 

alright, so, because i have run out of [energy to say all the] words, i'm actually going to go to bed. after i show you pictures of me and mimi dancing. i had video footage of it, and i just spent 20 minutes googling "how to make a gif." 

truthfully, i spent about one minute googling that and then 19 minutes watching this cat gif.

aaaaaand goodnight. 

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