
when your name is kitty cocktail...

despite being raised by chris smith, i love parties. also, i love getting dressed up. both of which i got to do for the murder mystery dinner party A and i went to.

so, i introduce to you:
cy ramsey & kitty cocktail. 

yes. my name was kitty cocktail. i was a cocktail waitress (obviously), dating the up-and-coming chicago gangster cy, who was the bouncer at the club i probably stripped in. 

things i learned about my character throughout the night:

:: my dress probably covered me wayyy more than kitty would have preferred. and by kitty, i mean the customers. 

:: the only role i played was distracting people so cy could actually get work done.

:: i probably was abused by cy (note the bat? yikes)

:: kitty was not southern, but that's the only accent i could muster up. so. i made kitty southern. 

:: she illicits the most inappropriate jokes without having to do anything except breathe. i mean, what is that name.   

:: i love kitty cocktail. 

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