
'tis the season.

I know that phrase typically is linked to one of presents, snow, mistletoe and St. Nick, but I refer to a season that involves much more reproducing, romance and jewelry.  Rings, to be exact.  Happy couples that want to seal the deal before school starts again in the fall know that this week was their deadline, so of course everyone and their moms got engaged (I guess their moms got engaged long ago...but for number's sake I'm leaving it in there).

I also believe that the wonderful change of weather that took place about a month ago inspired couples to think about families and adding to their's, if you know what I mean.  So many pregnancies and proposals!  What's a single girl to do but hope.  And if it weren't for the fact that I'm living in the ghetto (even my mom knew it was the dumps, so that's saying something) for the next four months, I would have high hopes for changing my status.  Everytime we tell people where we are living, they seem shocked.  SHOCKED.  Which I'm actually really confused by, because I believe the college experience relies on going without for a time.  We shouldn't constantly be spoiled by living in two story apartments.  But let's be real...you can't come back from that.  But they look at us like we just told them we are living in an insane asylum and then follow up with a comment like, "Wow, you guys are in for some interesting experiences. You will definitely be popular."  So only at a below-average complex will we finally become the popular pretty girls?  Oh good. Thanks, I guess. worst.compliment.ever.

I'll post pictures if it's really that bad.  Actually, I'll post pictures regardless.

Ok, Mr. Right, come find me.  I'll be the only girl without a ring on and a baby.


currently listening to:
40 Day Dream - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (favorite summer tune from 2011)
Cheerleader - St. Vincent
Concrete Wall - Zee Avi
Boyfriend - Justin Bieber
The Big Bang - Rock Mafia


  1. Hang in there! I feel like everyone on my Facebook is popping out babies right now, too, and it's giving me a dose of baby fever. But the perfect Mr. Right will come along for you in time and you'll forget you ever felt left out! :)

  2. you are my favorite ever. just saying :)
