
Over General Conference weekend we enjoyed beautiful weather--what felt like possibly the last warm weather of the season. I'm half scared of the colder weather to come and half optimistic about it. Yes, sweaters! Ack, slush! Minus my lack of sleep and time to shower (WUT) it was a pretty perfect weekend. So now I'm going to rehash all of it, in detail, with photo illustrations, starting with Sunday and working our way backwards, because multipart posts are coolCome on, yes they are. 

Aside from a major disagreement in my family regarding an issue involving the movement of my croquet ball, it was such a beautiful Sunday. I spent both sessions eating yummy food and lounging downstairs with my family + A. I finally got out of my pajamas at 7 pm only to go to Ramsey's apartment to lounge some more (read: watch YouTube videos and cuddle with Mimi).  And the perfect Conference weekend came to a close by watching New Girl and late night chats with A, which are always my favorite things.  

like, of course we had to do this, ya know? of course.

Saturday was perrrrfect and exhausting and happy and emotional and  ahhh.  It was a busy morning as we prepared to receive 4,334 personal revelations - honestly, guys, this was my most favorite day of Conference, ever.  We spent the whole day in Salt Lake attending both sessions with A's family and it was great! But as you can imagine, I was actually exhausted by 5 pm when I finally landed on Mimi's bed while the boys (guys? men? idk) attended Priesthood session. And a quick nap with my leading lady gave me just the energy I needed to make it through the rest of the evening, which included an aaaamazing dinner at Brio (I could live off of their salmon for the rest of my life and I'm not even sure you'd hear me complain), a quick drive-by at an IDP to see old friends, bonding with MORE old friends at A's apartment, and finally winding down with A, watching...I actually have no idea what we watched. IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK.  

Ok.  It's exactly what you think. We were making out because WE HADN'T KISSED ALL DAY. Gosh.  

Fridayyyy! I spent most of the day with my favorite kiddos - and I'm going to say this without sounding as creepy as possible:
I love little boys.  

I mean, honestly. Look at them. 

While I was nannying, I was in correspondence with A about dinner plans. And if you remember this story from last year, you'll understand why I was dyinggg when he sent me this screenshot of a convo he had with his family. lololololol. 

And after bonding and laughing over dinner [at my real favorite restaurant], A and I drove up to a friend's house for a devastating (I think...I'm not sure I watched even a second of the game) BYU game, followed by hot tub hopping all over Provo. A hot tubbing experience I kind of want to forget, forever. 

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