
carabba's is NOT my favorite restaurant + pictures for viewing pleasure!

Recently I remembered a really hilarious thing that happened.  

Earlier this week, A and I were chatting via text (aka texting) and I brought up something I have been waiting MONTHS to tell him.  A few of his friends knew the story and my roommates and I, of course, were big fans of retelling and rehashing it, but A was left out.  Which is really quite a bummer because he is the leading character in the story.  Remember my birthday? Well I left one thing out of that post, just out of respect for those involved (mainly A, who right after this evening called it quits with me).  So. 

A picked me up for the evening, and all I knew was that we were going out to dinner. We were cruising to John Legend as we made our way up the hill to Orem, and I was so endeared by him right then because he kept saying things like "I'm excited, you've talked about this restaurant before," and "I think you told me one time that this is where your family always goes for birthdays?" and "You'll have to tell me what to get there because I've never been!"Swoon.  In my mind, I was thinking to myself That's so cute that he remembers me telling him that cause I don't ever remember telling him that my family always goes to PF Chang's for birthdays...

But of course! It's A! We have known each other for months, I'm sure it just came out one time and he being the sweet boy that he is, he remembers!   

So we pull into the University Mall parking lot and I'm getting so excited because THE BOY I'M DATING IS SURPRISING ME BY TAKING ME TO MY FAVORITE RESTAURANT AND THIS IS THE SWEETEST THING EVER.  

But then he parks. Really far away from PF Chang's. Like, on the other side of the parking lot. And I'm confused because...why? 

He opens my car door and has a big smile on his face and we start walking. Towards Carabba's.  And I freak out a little.

I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO CARABBA'S.  What kind of food do they even serve there? Oh no. I TOTALLY reinforced his idea on the drive up here. For sure I remember saying "I am so excited! I love this restaurant! I already know what I want to order!" 

I desperately didn't want to tear down his pride by telling him "Oh this is definitely not the place I thought you were talking about, I've never actually been to Carabba's." So I kept my mouth shut. 

He was so proud! He ran into a couple he knew so we chatted with them a bit, and he said "It's her birthday! So I'm taking her to her favorite restaurant!" And when the waitress came over to us and said, "Welcome! Is this both your first time?" I had to LIE and say "No no, this is my favorite restaurant!" and leave out the part where I ask what they served there.  

At one point, I even made a meal suggestion to him, just to really sell my lie. I pointed something out to him on the menu and he ordered it BECAUSE I RECOMMENDED IT.  And I officially became the best worst person ever.  And at the time, I told myself that in a couple days, I would tell him and we would laugh and share a sweet kiss and all would be better, and we would have a really funny memory.  But we all know what happened just days after this, so....

Last week, I finally felt like I had let enough time go by and I brought it up.  Here is the aftermath:

Sidenote: Carabba's is good. PF Chang's is still my favorite. thx fr th mmrs, A. 

And now, pictures from the week:

Mimi, my #1 supporter at the Lil Nuggetz games.  WE WON WE WON WE WON! 

we decided to finallllly support our school and go to a football game for the first time this season.  it was way too fun! complete with our fight song choreography. 

the relief society broadcast was  AMAZING. truly, it was.  

then, i came down from my spiritual high after the broadcast and was taken to the Strangling Brothers Haunted Circus. 

i cried.

And then there is this little treasure.  I found it last night on my phone, but it was actually taken last week. So thanks Mimi and Big D. Thanks. 

Also, I just realized something.  Some girl out there must have told A that her favorite restaurant is Carabba's and that here family always goes there for birthdays.  Sorry I took all your glory, girlfriend. Also, you should try PF Chang's sometime!

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