
because blogs are slightly less self-indulgent than other forms of social media while still being completely self-indulgent, i'm going to show you some pictures that mimi and i took up the canyon yesterday. (and because i have a terrible horrible project i'm avoiding until the very last second).

look at how pretty utah is! 

after doing too many hair flips during our photoshoot and spending too much time picking at split ends rather than take notes during my literacy class this morning, i've decided: my hair needs re-vamping. people! help! i have had 'make an appointment at a salon' on my to-do list since last week. keep in mind, 'shave legs' + 'say goodbye to dying cat' have been on there for a while now, too. very important things to remember! 

this is all coming from a very rash and impulsive (borderline emotional?) christina because i think my lady days are pending and also, we could maybe chalk it up to my dying cat. keep in mind that i cried on my drive home tonight because of a 5 seconds of summer song.  welcome to the secret life of the american [young adult]. so bye. 

p.s. after much prayer and consideration, i've decided that lorelai isn't maybe the best mother, she's a good one and she makes me laugh. 



it's sunday afternoon and i'm still laying in bed.

Here are some things about me.

1. I'm currently playing a game called "how long can I not work out for?" The last time I seriously considered working out, I ended up paying a visit to the ER with Andrew due to his ribs getting in the way of someone else's foot.
So I took that as a life lesson: don't work out, or you'll end up in the ER

sidenote: one of my biggest regrets of this life is that i didn't document our night at the hospital. i take pictures of a nice-looking road sign, and i don't take pictures of the one night my boyfriend is in the ER??

2. Right now, it's 12:42 on a Sunday, my hair is in a turban, a bowl of pistachios & sliced apples is next to me, I'm watching Season 1 of Gilmore Girls, and loathing the fact that my church doesn't start for another 1.25 hours.  So, I will continue to sit braless and content, debating whether or not Lorelai is a good mother or not. Also...not that I'm a fan of teen pregnancy, but there are definite pros to getting knocked up at 16 - mainly, you look HOT even when your kid is in high school. Curse my morals, they prevented me from all dreams of being a MILF.

3. My left hand still smells like an onion that I chopped for dinner two nights ago. Being domestic is fun and exciting and smelly.

And now, the exciting stuff.

:: last weekend, we partied!! weddings, birthdays, woohoo!
my party people!

:: and this weekend, we went to a haunted house [before which we took a party bus with other classy folks (?), during which I cried and screamed and loved every second, and after which we smashed shot glasses in the alleys of slc and did other hoodrat stuff...for real).
:: then, i picnic'd hiked, soda'd, and got way too into a game of murder in the dark. i love my weekends, i really do.

skrillex skeleton. heyyy mr. dj!

p.s. I'm actually getting into Gilmore Girls? 15 years too late, but whatever. K bye I'm finally going to go get ready for Church. 

Over General Conference weekend we enjoyed beautiful weather--what felt like possibly the last warm weather of the season. I'm half scared of the colder weather to come and half optimistic about it. Yes, sweaters! Ack, slush! Minus my lack of sleep and time to shower (WUT) it was a pretty perfect weekend. So now I'm going to rehash all of it, in detail, with photo illustrations, starting with Sunday and working our way backwards, because multipart posts are coolCome on, yes they are. 

Aside from a major disagreement in my family regarding an issue involving the movement of my croquet ball, it was such a beautiful Sunday. I spent both sessions eating yummy food and lounging downstairs with my family + A. I finally got out of my pajamas at 7 pm only to go to Ramsey's apartment to lounge some more (read: watch YouTube videos and cuddle with Mimi).  And the perfect Conference weekend came to a close by watching New Girl and late night chats with A, which are always my favorite things.  

like, of course we had to do this, ya know? of course.

Saturday was perrrrfect and exhausting and happy and emotional and  ahhh.  It was a busy morning as we prepared to receive 4,334 personal revelations - honestly, guys, this was my most favorite day of Conference, ever.  We spent the whole day in Salt Lake attending both sessions with A's family and it was great! But as you can imagine, I was actually exhausted by 5 pm when I finally landed on Mimi's bed while the boys (guys? men? idk) attended Priesthood session. And a quick nap with my leading lady gave me just the energy I needed to make it through the rest of the evening, which included an aaaamazing dinner at Brio (I could live off of their salmon for the rest of my life and I'm not even sure you'd hear me complain), a quick drive-by at an IDP to see old friends, bonding with MORE old friends at A's apartment, and finally winding down with A, watching...I actually have no idea what we watched. IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK.  

Ok.  It's exactly what you think. We were making out because WE HADN'T KISSED ALL DAY. Gosh.  

Fridayyyy! I spent most of the day with my favorite kiddos - and I'm going to say this without sounding as creepy as possible:
I love little boys.  

I mean, honestly. Look at them. 

While I was nannying, I was in correspondence with A about dinner plans. And if you remember this story from last year, you'll understand why I was dyinggg when he sent me this screenshot of a convo he had with his family. lololololol. 

And after bonding and laughing over dinner [at my real favorite restaurant], A and I drove up to a friend's house for a devastating (I think...I'm not sure I watched even a second of the game) BYU game, followed by hot tub hopping all over Provo. A hot tubbing experience I kind of want to forget, forever. 


pammy sue smith.

There's a grown-up version of sneaking a treat into your mom's shopping cart at the grocery store. 
It's called sneaking a treat into your mom's shopping cart on Amazon. 
*Pam, if you're reading, stop now* 

A couple days ago, she gave me her Amazon password because she has Amazon Prime and I need a planner, like, last week (I did not plan on my cat throwing up all over the week of September 21-27, and I literally mean all over that week. I missed some assignments because cat throw up obstructs my vision, so thanks a lot, Binky.)  Anywayzz. Being a responsible child, I don't actually purchase things on her Amazon, which she should really be thanking me for, because I have that power at easy access.  Instead, I just sneakily leave things in the cart, because if I know Pam - and folks, I know Pam - she makes weekly orders on that things cause I think all of our gifts/books/tools/groceries/life is ordered on Amazon.  So I think between Dansko clogs (lol cute mom shoes) and a new toy for my niece, she won't notice that she's also buying me a phone cover. Oh and a book.  Thanks Mom!

p.s. This was Pam the other night scrolling through her Instagram on my bed (and by my bed I mean the guest room bed because as of late, I don't enter my room due to a spider infestation. And by infestation I actually just mean 3 spiders. BUT STILL).  Isn't she cute?!


p.p.s Yes. I live with my parents. I'm 21 and my mom still has the ability to walk in my room at midnight for girl talk. This is a good thing and also a bad thing.