
yuba lake to kick off summer/spring/ok it's still winter

 considering it snowed two days ago, the fact that i was at a lake getting tan just a few days ago seems wrong...

oh well. yuba lake was a spontaneous day trip with M & co., which resulted in:

+ violent games of beach soccer
+ golfing
+ dragging a picnic table out into the water to stand on and fish! (still have never caught a fish)
+ stepping on glass.
+ tin foil dinners over a fire (ok, like, duh)
+ lots of "that's what she said" jokes. sorry i keep saying the word deep, we're at a lake for crying out loud!
+ jumping a car
+ getting a tan. ok. getting a sunburn.

checking my bracket. priorities!


 can't wait for more trips to the lake! maybe even camping for a couple days? i could go for that.



don't let your faith be difficult to detect

This week has consisted of lots of tears, heartbreak, and pep-talks from Mimi (I fear we may be the only household in the world where the motto "Don't text him back! Unless you want to! Do what makes you happy! Except don't because it could be wrong!" is repeated regularly).

However, I have had a  realization this week: heartbreak is worth it if you're doing what you know is right.  It certainly doesn't make things easier (thus the crying), but on the bright side, I'm 95% sure that I have lost weight in tears. Is this a real thing? Idk. 

What was the point of all of this? Oh yeah. Don't go on pinterest during sad times because all the quotes will make you cry. And don't listen to Bon Iver because, even when you're not sad, you will cry.  And don't do your normal routine throughout the day (sodalicious + ncaa bracket check + listen to your current playlist) because it will just make you think of him (oh yeah...this whole post is obvi about boys). 
Or do those things. Who am I to stop you? Do what makes you happy. As long as it doesn't stand in the way of progression. 

Got it?




periods, santaquin, and tasteful sideboob.

josh and i needed proof that we actually did survive our ghost adventure.

On Saturday, I spent an obscene amount of time in my bed doing nothing except for occasionally complaining to Mimi about my emotions.  This had nothing everything to do with my pending period blues.  Aaaaaaand all men can stop reading now. Like, if they want. I promise I won't talk too long about my ovaries (and sorry I used the word ovaries on here). But like Saturday was the day, ya know? The day where I could feel "it" coming, because suddenly I am on the verge of tears about everything: the girl at the tanning salon telling me I was beautiful, the really helpful Smith's employee, the sweet sound of country music, etc. You get it? Moving on.

So Mimi invited me along to a dinner with her people (meaning C would be there, good or bad news? I wasn't super sure yet) in good ol' Santaquin.  Have you ever heard of Leslie's Family Tree restaurant? Look it up. It's haunted.

It ended up being one of my favorite nights. Ever.

+ the group was hilarious. like, honestly. i didn't stop laughing once. i sat right next to C at one end of the table, and he has a special kind of humor that makes me do an ugly laugh and bat him away saying, "no, staaaahp." i've really mastered that, and he still likes having me around.  it's really a miracle.
+ the waitresses indulged us with everything we did - turning out all the lights in the restaurant, boys and girls in the same bathroom to avoid getting lynched by a ghost (or whatever it is that ghosts do), taking us on a ghost tour of the basement, all 10 of us hiding throughout the restaurant trying to scare each other because we're definitely NOT 20-33 year olds, etc.
+ the food. take me to food or leave me forever, is what i always say. ok so i don't, but those sentiments are pretty true. scones with honey butter? yes please. *sidenote: this conversation actually took place: 
craig: "is this honey butter or just regular butter?"
waitress: "oh it's just regular butter. with a little bit of honey in it."
craig: "..."

+ then we ended the night with a few [thousand] rounds of Cards Against Humanity (i try to come up with my favorite cards everytime and it's just hard. tasteful sideboob? doin it in the butt? bees? ? it's such a hard decision), after which C and I bonded more. he's one of my favorite boys, i think. i s'pose this is good? i'm trying to find the light.

Anyways. Here is a picture of the stairwell I willingly climbed down, which led to....

...this. Hell hole.  Good thing no one shut the trap door on me or was pulling my hair the whole time, right?!



facetiming from the shower + daily occurences

This is going to be one of those posts that brings in tons of people who are searching for "naked men" or "nude" or, oddly, "rats eating wonder bras," because there are always a few weird ones like that that I prefer to not think about.

:: is spring actually coming?? all the new shoes/shorts/tees that gap is now displaying have me aching for spring wardrobes. i mean, it was 28 degrees as i walked to work this morning but it was sunny, so that's got to count for something. i'll be back for you, floral flats. count me in.
:: we spend 400,000 hours a day talking, yet even when we're showering we have to be in contact. this is definitely not the first time it's happened either...
:: there should be a trauma center just for when you order something from sodalicious OTHER than your regular. because buyer's remorse is a real thing and i'm still struggling 12 hours after the fact.
:: standing on a barstool dancing while your roommate sings ignition in a karaoke bar full of drunks is strangely exhilarating.
:: i'm not going to go into detail as to how it happened, but after bonding with my favorite boy, i spent the better part of last night watching pole dance videos (it sounds way trashier than it actually is! maybe?) with mimi. so long story short, does anyone know of pole dance classes in the area? asking for a friend.

cool party, guys.

pictured: drunk, drunker, drunkkkk. i love seeing the hoodrats of utah valley make an experience. gooooo cougars!



a weekend in california for christina

after a week in the hospital and a very full lifetime, my grampa edward everett smith passed away. 

while it proved to be a heartbreaking time for all of us, it provided us a reason to all reunite in sunny san diego! within a matter of days, all the smith kids made travel arrangements and by thursday night, we were partying smith style - just as my grampa would have us do. 

e. e. smith, for as long as i can remember, stated that he did not want a funeral. how do we honor him? we give him 3 funerals. here are things i learned from the weekend (oh. and pictures):

+ my grampa had at least 23 girlfriends at his elderly living center.
+ i hate it when people who grew up during the great depression try to one-up my childhood sob stories.
+ when dad's cry...i have to cry too. 
+ while it's sad to think that this world no longer has my grampa, i take reassurance in the fact that he has 3 sons that do him proud (shoutout to chris, holla!)
+ seeing my dad surrounded by people that once babysat him was so hilarious. chris smith. a 4 year old that sun tans and has a lisp. 
+ trying to hide my soda addiction from my parents becomes significantly harder when you are constantly with them. 
+ my grampa's wardrobe... -__-
+ i love my family. 

that very bottom picture looks just like my dad. omg it was shocking. 

so, after a happy and bittersweet weekend, i happily made my way back to the happy valley on sunday afternoon. and mom, in case you're reading this: listening to general conference for that long on the drive home was hard for me but i didn't complain because I'M YOUR FAVORITE CHILD.