
psuedo hot tubbing + shameless fast food runs.


Women are a strong, hearty, smooth bunch. We birth babies and stub our toes and pluck our eyebrows. We kick a lot of a$$.

But sometimes, we melt. Usually in the instance that a boy is around and doing cute things. Case in point: C took me out to dinner then the BYU basketball game, and let me tell you, that boy is a good date. He is THE most validating human on this planet, he makes me feel so good, like I could go out and catch another dude. After spending this much time with him, he has quickly become one of my favorite people.  Even when we're with a big group of people - like the Super Bowl or the Cards Against Humanity game night we had - it just feels so comfortable to be with him. This whole thing is turning out to be quite the surprise.

In other news, yes, this happened again. Sorry the bathtub is our safe place! Where any (and I do mean any) topic can be discussed! And relationship advice can be dealt out like we actually know what we're talking about!

This week has been a busy one, but if you know me, you know I'm never too busy for a Sonic/Sodalicious run. So on Tuesday night, M and I bonded over his love of high school girls (lol) and flappy birds.  Then the very next night, Emilee and I found ourselves curled up in my car chatting about love lives (cause WHAT ELSE is there to talk about when you're girls, amirite??) Sonic is such a funny place to me. Like, if you have a car, you can roll up to the drive-thru and get your 4,000-calorie meal handed to you without even having to put on shoes or throw away your pride!

Here's to another week full up Dirty Dr. Pepper's, hot tubbing, and (hopefully) taking more pictures!


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