
on family and sleepovers

So my family lives here now. And I love it.  Sure, sometimes I feel a little stretched thin between all my activities (read: netflix and seven peaks) and family time, but after living so far away from them for so long, it's about dang time they came to Utah.  Maybe it's because I've moved so much or perhaps this is just the way it is, but I swear it doesn't matter where my parents are living - the second I walk in the door and smell mom-food, I feel right at home.  The best part:  I don't have to worry about getting all dressed up like a functional human being to just run over and get some food or hugs from Pammy Sue.  I can just roll up in my snuggie and eat like the resentful hermit that I am.

This past weekend we celebrated my aunt's birthday with those who could join us for lunch and let me just say: I love the women of my family.  We're all mildly funny but easily entertained by each other's mediocrity and, of course, the contagious laughs that abound when we're in each other's presence. We're all made of the same stuff, and it's great. 

the woman in the middle, whom we affectionately call Ma, is the best, most inspiring lady! you go, g-ma. 

it looks like we're drinking some cute alcoholic drink.
it's just water.

And because I just can't get enough of my lady-relatives, Heidi and I decided to have a sleepover on Friday night! Major win. 

So there was a lot of bonding going on that Friday night. Between me and Heidi, between me, Heidi and a bunch of my guy friends (welcome home, Quinn!! holla, all my boys be coming home), and between me, Heidi and Mimi. And it was a riot, I tell you.  Normally, when I’m trying to fuse together two groups of people I tend to get seriously awkward and try to force friendships: “Sally likes movies and you watched a movie today and Sally likes..breathing and so do you so…ha! Friends? Let’s take a picture together!" Luckily I didn’t have to build any bridges and those two got along swimmingly.  If I could have three wishes, they would be:

1. money. lots.

2. a personal chef

3. a video of the mimi-heidi-chrissy sleepover. a real riot, i tell you!! i am friends (relatives?) to the funniest people! 

I know that there are many things about childhood that we are all supposed to age out of.  I don't expect my parents to pay my bills (although...ok yeah that would be great), I am glad I no longer have a bedtime, and I don't ever want to be told what I have to eat for dinner.  I get that there are many things about growing up that are just necessities, and part of being a responsible adult is no longer enjoying the same things you did when you were seven (although the occasional prank call to my crush's house would still be fun now).  But there are some things we did which seem a complete shame to stop doing, even as we age into the bracket that requires a full-time job and the eventual profile on a dating website.  I need sleepovers now more than ever.  And having roommates is a great excuse for a never-ending sleepover. 

One of these days, I'm going to convince my roommates that we need a real sleepover, where we bring all our girlfriends (read: each other) over and we stay up all night watching tv, eating snacks, talking about boys, braiding each other's hair, doing our nails, and generally having a wonderful time free of judgment or expectation.  We can wear our pajamas and consume as many cinnamon rolls as our hearts desire, only wary of being the first to fall asleep and therefore becoming the receiving end of lighthearted pranks, such as having a penis drawn near our mouths or the tips of our fingers put into warm water so as to induce bed-wetting.  And before you ask, no, I have never actually done those things, I've only seen them done in movies.  I'm just reveling in a sleepover fantasy land here, alright?

So stay tuned for the sleepover of the year which I am currently working on.  Invites will be sent out soon.

Oh yeah, this happened this weekend too.  Taylor came into town and some major bonding time commenced!  

Also, my little hippe twin is back in town after her spontaneous trip to Californiaaaa!

So there was my weekend in a nutshell.  Hope yours was equally as full of laughs, crushes, and food. 


1 comment:

  1. ohemgee. That Zach, Taylor, Seth totem pole is to die for! They are just the cutest thing ever! Literally staring at that pic and just smiling. Real bad. So glad I'm back home! Fully laughing about the sleepover pranks.
