
domesticity and the life i have yet to live.

This semester has been too good to dear little me.  Srsly people I KNOW this is finally it, the one, the best, the favorite.  I can just feel it in my too-padded bones (winter treats have been better to me than even 2012 has yet been).  I made an unofficial pact with myself to just be nice (see last post's rez's) and so far I'm reaping all the kindness benefits I could possibly imagine.  Do you ever have those life-changing moments when you're sitting in a classroom on the first day of school and you have to make the decision to lean over and introduce yourself to the boy next to you - cute or not?  Well, I honestly felt those hesitating seconds before the professor made his debut in each of my classes.  But folks, I did it in every single one of my classes and I have so many new friends.  So what if a couple weirdos now have my number in their phone?  So what if I go on a couple dates that don't end in marriage/relationship/any kind of attraction/any kind of anything including fun?  So what if the one boy I actually want to ask me out never does?  At least I'm out of the apartment in something cute and not checking my phone in anticipation.

I promise this post is screaming desperation.  In my mind, though, this is a totally normal approach at finding an EC.  If I'm too picky, I will never find someone perfect for me.  Right?  Ok.

On top of all this socializing, or maybe in spite of, I have been working on my skills on the home-front.  I have taken an obsession with the 50's, as Mona Lisa Smile will always be an inspiration to me, and although it's the exact opposite of what the movie is promoting,  I want to develop my cute-housewife-skills for the day that I will make house&home with my one and only.  Whoever he is, I'm sure he will deserve the best this little lady has to offer.

Ok moving on.  Want to see what I have been up to while I haven't been blogging (which is almost all the time)?
giving lotus garden some love
enhancing my acting skills
breaking in marshall 5 with some lava tag
dressing up for wedding receptions
enjoying young ambassador's "harmony" (we had dates, i promise, but we looked cuter without them)
spending a weekend in PC at kelly's cabin
working on our domestic skills. per usual. 
celebrating our boy MLK with some milk and...
getting ready for the weekend. together.  
taking full advantage of our lazy, blustery-turned-blizzard saturday.  
configuring our mighty kid's meals toys.  

matt costa concert at the wsc (again...we had dates but we take better pictures when us marshall girls are solo.  weird)
and the man of the hour, MC himself.

this little snow bunny needs sleep.  stay warm and social!

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