
word vomit.

 This past weekend was General Conference.  I, admittedly, did not focus as well as I should have (what started off as an assignment that was due at midnight turned into oh my gosh those sunglasses are so special and i get free shipping on this shirt and maybe i should read through the thought catalog while i'm on this dang internet...).  Regardless, I did my best multi-tasking and had a great weekend altogether.

what is a blog for if not for shameless selfies?? i mean really.

::Friday night, my dad took me on a date. A date! We went to Rodizio Grill and then headed up to Jordan Common's to see Jurassic Park in 3-D on the IMAX.  Along with our human size ICEE's. For real those things were so large.  It was a great night.  We talked a lot about my brothers and struggles and happy things that had happened and planned so many fake trips for the summer (sure, Belize sounds nice, we'll go there on our way home from Greece).  I think we'll probably drive to California for a long weekend.
::Saturday was such an ideal day for relaxing.  I got out of bed at 10 only to crash on my living room floor for the first session of General Conference.  The rain outside encouraged me to stay in my pajamas for as long as possible, so laziness ensued.  At some point, I whipped out an assignment, showered, and made it to a family dinner at Sizzler's.  At which point, chaos occurred. The good kind of chaos.  The family kind of chaos (the women in my family are all so loud, happy and busy all the time so it really makes for exciting evenings). 
:: I started the first season of Gossip Girl all over. Jennae had never seen it, so I HAD  to expose her to Blair Waldorf at her finest.
::Sunday morning, as I rolled out of bed and was about to leave to go to a family breakfast during the first session, I get a text from E. Good golley.  

So I jumped in the shower (sorry family! I won't be able to make it to breakfast?) and tried to get hot in a matter of 30 minutes.  Let me tell you something.  I really like(d) this boy.  And I'm pretty sure he knows it.  So while I'm kind of mad/sad he keeps asking me to hang out even when I know he doesn't want to date me, it also makes me happy.  Because when it comes down to it, I want to be around him regardless of what our future holds.  Which is nothing.  Am I making sense?

He picked me up and we headed to Draper to stop in at Jessica's family's house.  Jessica was there with her husband - E's brother - and her entire family.  And the hilarity was non-stop.  Seriously, when I'm with these people (which seems to be a lot lately), I cannot stop laughing.  After we ate a little and finished the first session, we drove up to Salt Lake and were actually having a serious conversation (it's a big joke between us that we almost never have real conversations) and boy was it exhilarating.  We talked a lot about the Priesthood and the Priesthood session the night before, and hot topics that seem to always come up at Conference (debt, the last days, pornography, etc.).

After the session - which was amazing, I can't wait to read Elder Holland's talk again - was over, we drove back to Draper in a bit of a lighter mood. As in, belting Les Mis the entire ride.  We bonded more with Jessica and her family, watched a movie, and just relaxed on the couch.  All in all, it was a great start to this final week of school!

other tid-bits from my week:

::Guys, life is expensive.  On top of paying bills and rent and gas and all the other boring necessities you wish would go away, you're also expected to buy things for other people.  Maybe this becomes easier when you actually have money later in life, but this past weekend Wells Fargo and I were really struggling.  On Saturday, I had to buy a gift before the family dinner to give to my cousin's fiance.  So I stopped in at Bed, Bath & Beyond to pick up a cookbook and a cute Papyrus card.  That literally cost more than my entire education fund.  I mean, probably.  I was on the phone with my mom, already having a hard time swallowing the fact that I was about to spend $20 on a cookbook (hello!  use the internet for recipes! it's called resources of the 21st century) when the checkout girl from hell says "That will be $38."  In my head, I had to do quick math while still trying to attend to a conversation with my mother.  Accounting for tax and all, the card was SIXTEEN DOLLARS?? IS IT POSSIBLE SHE COULD BE TALKING ABOUT PESOS?  I handed her my debit card and ran out of there, proceeded to make a card out of some paper from a binder in the backseat, and returned the Papyrus card the next day.

::We gave Bunny away.  To Mother Nature.  I thought I would be sad about it, but I'm not!  As Jennae and I dropped her off on a lovely, secluded hilltop with lots of trees and foliage to eat and where was Julie Andrews, I felt happy for her.  She didn't seem to care or even notice she was being left.  In fact, I think she left us now that I think about it...

::The seriously horrendous workout I had to do with my personal trainer on Monday.  Honest to goodness I was waiting for him to crack up and say, "Nah just kidding I would never have someone do that, it's way too embarrassing!"  Let this sum everything up:



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