

Oh the woes of a college student.  After a busy day of running errands, reuniting with my Phoenix girl, some speedy cleaning, and, lastly, decorating, I felt sick to my stomach as I crawled into my much-deserved fetal position in my bed.  No, not because my cheese and herb rice with chicken didn't settle well (oh it settled alright...too much is settling inside me and I need to start forward thinking to bikini season).  It was 100% because I realized that I had done NOTHING over the weekend, including turning in an assignment due at midnight on Sunday, study for my French oral exam OR my my French final exam, and hadn't started the book that will require a close-reading essay due next Tuesday.  Then I realized that things had just been so easy and kind to me at the beginning of the semester, and now it's time to get my priorities straight.  This week, aside from the deliciousyetshort celebration that is in order tonight, I am going to be such a good student!  I promise.     

Often, I find myself caught up in these perfect moments of happiness and somewhere deep down I think this for sure won't last.  It's the calm - before - the - storm stigma, and I am all too aware of how true it holds to my life.  And right now, although it's only a small drizzle of rain, it is certainly not calm.  That's not so say things aren't going well.  I just have these fleeting thoughts of sadness and lingering moments of homesickness.  So I'm ready to start making myself happy.  And in a way I've never approached it, yet the most fool-proof and sure way: through prioritizing.  So what if my clothes look like they all belong at DI, or the boy I think is cute is eyeing one of the millions of models walking around campus, or I ate too much chocolate (sure you think it's a blessing...but it's seriously a curse).  

Every day, I sit in my fishbowl office and I am unfortunately given the opportunity of loathing every perfectly-ensembled girl that walks by in her Tory Burch flats.  At that moment, I am given a choice.  And while it's a struggle to not choose to feel bad about myself and want to go home and change, it's better for me to choose to see me the way my Heavenly Father would see me.  And in that life-changing second, I feel better about myself.  If I continued to focus on the outside world and what it defined as beautiful, then I would always find someone more beautiful, more stylish, more rich, more funny, more everything than me.  So there. 



how sweet it is.

Valentine's Day was a major success.  That is, if you enjoy quiet nights with hulu, a major slab pizza slice, catching up with Ben F. & entourage, and Mimi.  And that's exactly what it was, aside from helping Jennae decorate some baby cupcakes for B and enjoying the gift all of MR5 received from a special someone.  Take a look. 

Thank goodness there's another holiday coming up that I can fully participate in celebrating!  Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday, a holiday that has been celebrated by moi even before the big move to the Big Easy.  Bby J and I made some party plans, unbeknownst to the other MR5 girls, for tomorrow night, which included going to Zurcher's and a million bakeries.  Oh it's going to be good.  Since we will be stuck in dreary Provo - even though I lovelovelove it here - for at least another long time, we decided to bring some culture here.  Can't wait to show you our night!  Today has also instilled in us a desire to plan more parties, although we can't exactly always spend that much money.  But I've had the party-jitters all afternoon and it's kept me on a high (which will soon collapse as soon as this post is over and I actually have to study and try and pass cleaning checks).  



oh my gosh i totally forgot it was valentine's day!

That's so funny!

Just kidding, of course.  In fact, I'm wearing pink heart earrings and bright red pants.  How could any girl forget this day?  It seems like it's been looming above my head for weeks now.  And while this hot couple is going out to do the romantic thing...I'm leading a more platonic kind of night, and maybe I'll call my dad.  Or something.

Valentine's Day has never been a hardship for me.  Not because I always have some hot date that non-chalantly drops off roses and chocolates and teddy bears throughout the day.  Actually, I have NEVER had that experience.  But mostly because...it's just February 14th, the day after February 13th, which seemed pretty normal to me.  I have chosen, for the sake of my sanity, to stay off Facebook today because I can't handle the following three things:

ONE.  Single and desperate posts.
TWO. Cynical, whiney posts.
THREE.  Those who feel the need to tell the whole cyber-world why THEIR love is the best.

Now.  This is not to say I wouldn't thoroughly enjoy a date on Valentine's Day.  I'm just prepared to battle any nay-sayers who say this is Singles Awareness Day.  As far as I'm concerned, it's a Tuesday and I have so many plans today that I probably wouldn't even have time for a date.  So there.

So maybe I'm a little sad.  Here's to February 14, 2013.  I have higher hopes for you than I do for tonight.  
