

march 18, 2016: the night none of my friends or i could take a normal picture. 

not that that date has to go down in history, 

that's most nights, to be honest. 

but here's to a happy re-living of high school prom, corsages and all!


my people are really fun and we wanna hang out with you!

i can't explain to you how refreshing it is to spend a weekend with people that know you so well they should probably hate you, but decide to love you instead.

my freshman year friends are this way. they don't care when i make ignorant political statements or go to a dance party and sweat through all my clothes.

these are the kinds of friends that know exactly when you got your tax return, first speeding ticket, make-out session with your latest boo-thing, etc.

these are also the kind of friends that love to meet new people and love everybody. so please be friends with us.

disclaimer: i'm not actually sure i know the guy on the left? but ramsey took the pictures, mimi & jeff were texting me during the night, and we saw kelly right after this.  so most of our friends were included somehow.

the one where my best friend flew to town.

the post title says it all, in true friends fashion.

i was totally in the dark as everyone i hold near and dear to me knew mimi was flying to town to surprise me and hang out for the weekend. i've never loved a bunch of liars so much in my life for keeping such a good secret.

needless to say, lots of tears and laughs ensued as soon as i saw her in the window of a papa john's in some obscure part of provo (thanks pam for planning it)!

while she was here we:

  • ate in 3 days what most people eat in a month (not even offended if she missed the food here more than her friends)
  • watched 13 engagements up the canyon (almost an accurate number)
  • got the best ab workout ever after a night at ramsey's apartment with the crew, playing games
  • temple open house!
  • ate more. 

your local real estate agents

we drove up vivian park canyon, which is where we witnessed [not 17 but close] 3 engagements. 

our people! kyle was even in town. 

renee's special: our long-time fave lunch from cheesecake factory. also so many weird experiences with our hot waiter thanks to me being awkward! slowly learning that maybe it really is my fault i don't have a relationship yet.
