
hear ye, hear ye! // a party you're all invited to.

i'm about to do something really weird and potentially very self-absorbed.

my life is so good and happy but also, it's my life and is sometimes sad and very personal.  i love sharing my thoughts and i LOVE when i'm out with people and someone will say to me, "hey! i just read [insert really embarrassing and probably too-graphic of a story] on your blog!" that's THE highest compliment you could pay me: taking time to read my writing.

so. if you would like to continue reading my weird thoughts and scrolling through my meaningless pictures, please send me your email! cause i'm goin' private, yo! seriously, whether i know you or not, whether we are good friends or not, whether i once punched you in the face and you still care about my life or not. if you want an even more inside look into my brain (in which case, bless your soul and best wishes), send your email (+ compliments + your bank account info + an invitation to meet you at McDonald's) to:


i know. guys, I KNOW. i'm that annoying girl that a) thinks everyone is interested in her life and b) makes her dull blog private. i hate when the blogs i super secretly stalk go private! but ya know. what if i wanted to post a nude on here? you shouldn't have to see that unless you want to. 

so! starting next week, we'll all be part of this cool little [read: little] club that is my blog! i promise i won't disappoint. maybe we'll even make t-shirts. 

SEND 'EM MY WAY! love to you all. 

p.s. how cute is my little aly girl? i got to run around with her all night on saturday at my family dinner.